Dear Pastor, Bring Your Bible to Church
iPad or a Bible? Does it make a difference?
When the smartphone or iPad (or name your mobile device) replaces a hardcopy of Scripture, something is missing in our nonverbal communication to unbelieving onlookers. When you walk to church, sit down on a bus, or discipline one another at a coffee shop, a hard copy of the Bible sends a loud and bold message... Continue Reading
William Carey’s Greatest Contribution to the Modern Missions Movement
Carey's theology and the natural outworking of his theology in his life
If we believe like Carey, are we as zealous for God being glorified in the salvation of the heathen as he was? If theology motivated him, and we believe Carey’s theology, then our zeal and passion should be in his likeness as well. True Calvinists–Carey’s Calvinists and even John Calvin’s Calvinists–will seek the world with the... Continue Reading
How RC Sproul Helped Patch Up a Fight Between Me and Sam
An excerpt from the book, I am my father's son
This is one of my favorite stories about my Dad. Enjoy this excerpt about how RC Sproul helped us patch up one of rare rough spots… Sam and I rarely fought. Even as a kid, I don’t remember any face to face screaming matches with Sam. As adults, we were respectable, and we dealt with... Continue Reading
Smoke And Light: Being Faithful to the Sovereign God
A Respectful Reply to Carl Trueman
Yet, as Sovereign, the Lord commands us to build culture and to be salt and light in it. It is not for us to quibble with the King; in the words of Tennyson, “ours is but to do – and die.” And that perspective is precisely the gospel’s own. It calls us each to come... Continue Reading
Just Say the Word
Theistic evolutionists should accept, with centurion-like faith, that the sovereign Creator spoke the universe into being by the power of His Word, and His Word alone
Even today, 2,000 years after the event, Jesus uses his encounter with the Roman centurion to drive home the lesson of what it means when Scripture emphasizes that He, Jesus Christ, is “the Word.” In an age where the knowledge derived from the field of science has been elevated to idolatrous heights, we have lost... Continue Reading
Five Commitments to Those Struggling with Same Sex Attraction in Our Midst
Seeking to welcome those who struggle with same-sex attraction
Recently, a brother encouraged me to write blog post speaking directly to those dealing with same sex attraction. It was a good challenge. Our conversation cannot be only about preserving the truth and fighting the necessary political battles. Those of us who believe in biblical marriage must also be careful to speak in a way... Continue Reading
The Problem With a Daily Prayer Time
Guarding against legalistic attitudes that occur when we pray regulary
First, there is the danger that by having a daily prayer time, we fall into the subtle belief that since we have had a prayer time, we have somehow obtained a right standing before God because of our perceived obedience. This is a dangerous belief because it suddenly renders our need for the gospel moot. It... Continue Reading
A Grace That’s Hard to Deal With
Growing in grace is more about humility and dependence on the Cross than it is about defeating sin
Duguid explains how some of her worst sins were committed in the context of outward obedience. This is how depraved our hearts are. Our pride can spin our so-called obedience into a scenario where we think God owes us. We may think we are doing a very good job climbing the sanctification ladder when we... Continue Reading
Coptic Pope Blasts Muslim Brotherhood, US and European Union
After being ousted from power the Muslim Brotherhood has turned their attacks on Christian churches
Since now former President Morsi’s ouster on July 3, attacks on Egyptian Christians by members of the Muslim Brotherhood have taken place in most areas across Egypt. According to a story by Mary Abdelmassih of the Assyrian International News Agency (AINA), these attacks have escalated since security forces ended the pro-Morsi protests in central Cairo... Continue Reading
Church in Covelo Can’t Get Out of Redwoods Presbytery
Redwoods Presbytery even refuses to acknowledge congregations name change
“We haven’t been able to leave,” said Proschold, who started as the parish associate in 2002 and has been New Life’s stated supply pastor since 2006. “The presbytery won’t even recognize our new name. We’re supposed to be brothers and sisters in Christ, and they don’t seem inclined to show us that respect.” A... Continue Reading