Three Things You Don’t Know About Your Children and Sex
Parents must speak to their children in grace and love about the problems of sex in our culture
… I am more aware now more than ever before in my ministry how little parents know about what’s happening. And because I’m not a parent, I feel terribly inadequate in telling you this. But I can’t not tell you. After seeing the innocence in the eyes of ten year olds who’ve carried secrets nobody, let alone a child, should carry; after... Continue Reading
Gov. Chris Christie’s Broadside Against Religious Liberty
Christie's signature of law attacks religious liberty and parental rights
This law means that convictional Christians in New Jersey may no longer participate in these professions without compromising their faith. It also means that children with unwanted same-sex attraction will have no help from licensed counselors. Christians and other people of faith in New Jersey have just had their marginalization ensconced in law. Governor... Continue Reading
Yes, Christians Can Oppose Obamacare
Ignorant Schultz tells Christians they must support Obamacare in order to be "Christian."
The claim that Christians who oppose Obamacare do so because they don’t want to be “their brother’s keeper” is nonsense. Most Christians who oppose Obamacare do so because they believe God’s command to care for the sick and needy are personal commands that should not be supplanted by government mandates. There’s no Christian charity in... Continue Reading
The Only String Attached to the Gospel
Youth Ministries tend to lose grace and emphasize the law
In my estimation, the primary theological problem in youth ministry is emphasizing law and neglecting grace. More specifically, grace appears when offering students eternal salvation but strangely disappears in discussions about holiness, sanctification, and the Christian life. In my experience as a teenager and a youth pastor, many of my peers in ministry faithfully proclaim... Continue Reading
No Life Without Ethan
While most pro-life work focuses on women in crisis pregnancies and their decision to keep or abort the baby, fewer Christians seem involved with helping women after they decide to have the baby. Megan said once she had Ethan, life as she knew it really did end: She’s had to shift her focus from her... Continue Reading
Gay Rights Stance Pushes Dartmouth to Un-Hire Anglican Bishop
Dartmouth supports gay rights over religious freedom
“The issue is that he has championed the church’s official position against homosexuality,” Dartmouth junior Andrew Longhi wrote in a blog post on The Huffington Post website. “The tendency to discriminate against (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) people is so diametrically opposed to how I understand faith and religion that selecting a ‘social conservative’ to this post baffles... Continue Reading
Expository Preaching—The Antidote to Anemic Worship
“This is the age of the sermonette, and sermonettes make Christianettes.”
Furthermore, music is one of God’s most precious gifts to his people, and it is a language by which we may worship God in spirit and in truth. The hymns of the faith convey rich confessional and theological content, and many modern choruses recover a sense of doxology formerly lost in many evangelical churches. But... Continue Reading
Christ in all the Scriptures and Jesus on every page
A review of David Murray's new book, Jesus On Every Page
Indeed, as the reader works through the book, there will be moments in which you particularly appreciate the precise way in which he has angled the lighting, even as you gape in delight at the portraits which, so lit, reveal something of the beauty and majesty of the Lord Jesus. Perhaps best of all, preachers... Continue Reading
School Has Become Too Hostile to Boys
And efforts to re-engineer the young-male imagination are doomed to fail
Schools must enforce codes of discipline and maintain clear rules against incivility and malicious behavior. But that hardly requires abolishing tag, imposing games of tug of peace or banning superhero play. Efforts to re-engineer the young-male imagination are doomed to fail, but they will succeed spectacularly in at least one way. They will send a... Continue Reading
Radically Ordinary
A critique of David Platt's book, Radical
If you’ve read Radical, please read Veith’s God at Work to learn a more balanced approach to the Christian life. There are no guilt-trips in Veith’s book and it is a more edifying and encouraging approach to serving God and neighbor. And remember whatLuther’s teaching: “A maid is more godly than a monk.” One major and glaring weakness in... Continue Reading