Sexual Destruction
While fighting other battles, the devil is destroying us with sexual sins
The trouble with not keeping your pants on isn’t that you offend that great Prude in the sky. The problem is that it leads to death (Proverbs 7:27). How many of our grievous social ills trace their roots to the lie that we can have sex outside marriage with no great consequence? To put it... Continue Reading
Misunderstanding Servant Leadership
Apart from God's help, servant leadership is impossible and becomes an oxymoron
This perspective is an insult to Jesus, a man-centered interpretation of our Savior’s life, and it misses His heart entirely. It feels good, it preaches well, and people like it, but it is dead wrong. Jesus had a much greater purpose: He came to serve His Father. He did serve humanity, but in a way... Continue Reading
The Six TR Points
TR: Whence? What? Wither?
I am fairly confident that the term originated on the campus of Reformed Theological Seminary sometime during my student years, 1969-72. My guess is that it began to be used during the 1970-71 term. I was there when the term TR was invented. At least I think I was. Experts tell us that... Continue Reading
Not Even a Hint
As Christians, we should shun all forms of sexual immorality and avoid thinking about them
The Bible is full of rank immorality. It would be simplistic and morally untenable—even unbiblical—to suggest you cannot watch sin or read about sin without sinning yourself. But the Bible never titillates with its description of sin. It never paints vice with virtue’s colors. It does not entertain with evil (unless to mock it). The... Continue Reading
Coming Soon to a Town Near You…
The price of citizenship is sexual conformity
Two former students of mine, Steve Casselli and Dustyn Eudaly, have this week led their kirk session in a controversial but necessary stand relative to the use of their church building by the Boy Scouts of America. They will no doubt be lamented as bigots; for me, the truly lamentable aspects of this are... Continue Reading
Not A Ladder But a Cross
Gnosticism is still alive and well today, we need to embrace the truest Human in response
We were created in righteousness and true holiness. Scripture says that creation was “good.” The first two humans were good. That’s an important word, especially in the context of the creation narrative and in light of all that transpired “17. Why must he also be true God? That by the power of His Godhead... Continue Reading
How the Seeker-Sensitive, Consumer Church Is Failing a Generation
We don't need gimmicks, we need the gospel
Unfortunately, their spiritual coming of age has coincided with many Protestant pastors relying on a consumer business model to grow and sustain their churches. This template for doing church and the millennials’ hunger for authenticity has caused an ideological collision. The millennial generation’s much-talked-about departure from church might lead those of us over... Continue Reading
God Doesn’t Hand Out Hypotheticals
Whatever God has in store for our individual lives, we can know that it is for His glory and our good
Why would God waste his grace on hypotheticals? There are no hypothetical hand-outs in heaven. He deals with the real. Some of our tomorrows may be too much for us to handle today, but God will give us his comfort and strength as we need it in the proper time. More importantly, he gives us... Continue Reading
When God Puts You Up A Tree And Sets It On Fire
Why does God do this? Is he some sort of sick, sadistic storyteller who enjoys inflicting pain on the characters in his stories? No.
There are times in life when it feels like God has put us up in a tree and then set the tree ablaze. We wonder what the heck God is doing. We wonder why he has allowed our bank account to be stripped, or our health to be decimated, or our marriage to go to... Continue Reading
Transforming History
One way a tradition becomes fossilized is to imagine that everyone is agreed
Evans goes on to assert that Trueman is out of step with the history of Westminster Seminary. Trueman himself is fully capable of defending himself and I won’t speak for him. But I will observe that Evans is remarkably ill informed about the history of Westminster. For one, he does not seem to recall that... Continue Reading