‘Dear Mr. President’
A letter from the Rt. Rev. Andudu Adam Elnail, Bishop of the Diocese of Kadugli, Sudan, to President Obama
As a victim and survivor of genocide, I would like to remind your respected office that great effort is needed to end the deaths and displacement and restore peace to our community, which has suffered for so many years. Please address the humanitarian crisis in the Nuba Mountains and use your position as leader of... Continue Reading
C. Darby Fulton: A Christian Statesman
Fulton was widely typified as a Christian statesman
Fulton was widely typified as a Christian statesman. One way in which he demonstrated that quality of character was in the fact that, while he did not choose to come into the Presbyterian Church in America at its formation in 1973, he nonetheless was quite willing to bring a message during the PCA’s first General... Continue Reading
On the Importance of Reading Between the Lines
An important hermeneutical point in theological discussion: always read between the lines
Transformationalism (not to be confused with legitimate Spirit-led transformation) is about making the world work according to our human expectations. However, since God is infinitely wise, it is only natural for Dr. Trueman to oppose such an inadequate view of God’s plan. I believe what many have perceived as pessimism is really the mere recognition... Continue Reading
Getting to Adam: Michael Horton on the Resurged ‘Historical Adam’ Debate
The debate over the ‘historical Adam’ has intensified over the last several years
I doubt that much movement has happened in terms of one side being persuaded by the other. While I agree with Belcher’s exegesis of Gen 2:7, I think he misunderstands the purpose of Collins’ project. Belcher’s project is more concerned with confessional boundaries in Reformed denominations while Collins is navigating the boundaries of Christian orthodoxy... Continue Reading
Two Motivations for Holiness
Two truths worth remembering as motivations for our pursuit of holiness
It’s one thing to ransom someone from slavery in this world. Many have performed this gracious act, and we thank God for it. But how do we ransom people from slavery to sin? How much do we pay to ransom them from death and hell? For such a transaction, silver and gold are of no... Continue Reading
NAE’s Leith Anderson: Evangelicals Oppose Strike Against Syria
Anderson calls for prayers for the leaders in the region so that lasting peace is found
Our world has so many injustices and some of the worst are initiated by governments. These injustices should be confronted. Someone must speak up and stand up for the poor and suffering who cannot defend themselves. Since the United States is the most powerful and prosperous nation on earth, there is an expectation that we... Continue Reading
The ‘Almost Unremarked’ Tragedy of Christians Persecuted in the Middle East
“The Christians here are frightened even to walk to church because they might come under attack. All the churches are targets."
“The majority of political and religious leaders still don’t talk about it. The religious leaders seem to be more concerned with who is doing the flower arranging on a Sunday and whether a gay priest is going to be ordained or not. Multiple attacks by Islamists on St George’s has prompted the Iraqi government... Continue Reading
Why Telling Your Story is NOT the Best Way to Share the Gospel
The Christians experience is not justification for the truth of the gospel
In a way, the Christian who uses only his own experience to tell non-Christians about Jesus is giving the post-modern the home-field advantage. He is implicitly agreeing that what matters most is personal experience, not truth. Anyone who’s ever taken a class on how to share their faith has heard some well-intentioned teacher say, “You don’t need to... Continue Reading
‘Batwoman’ Co-Authors Exit, Claim DC ‘Prohibited’ Lesbian Marriage
Authors cite creative differences with DC Comics
The news comes after February’s groundbreaking 17th issue of the Batwoman, in which Kate proposed to her girlfriend, Maggie Sawyer. It marked the first lesbian wedding proposal in the history of mainstream comics. Since its start, the series has been a champion for gay rights, foreshadowing the overturn of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Batwomanalso represents DC’s latest exploration... Continue Reading
Southern Baptists Say No to Gay Weddings for Military Chaplains
SBC made clarifications clear for the DOD and chaplains serving in the military
The agency that commissions Southern Baptist military chaplains says no Baptist chaplain will be allowed to perform, attend or support a same-sex wedding either on or off base. The Southern Baptist Convention’s North American Mission Board released guidelines on Aug. 29 stating that endorsed chaplains will not “offer any kind of relationship training or retreat, on... Continue Reading