Is It Good News That Cohabitation Rates Are Stalling?
Living together, with no covenant of permanence, may be seen as too repressive and stifling
There is good news here though, I think. The good news is that this is one more indicator that the sexual revolution is, ultimately, boring. Marriage and family can be discarded, but, in time, their proposed replacements become the new norm, and it’s time for the revolutionaries to rebel again. That can only go on for so... Continue Reading
Shellfish, Slavery and Same-Sex Marriage: How Not To Read the Bible
Understanding the use of the Law in view of redemptive history
Therefore, it is a shallow approach to the Bible to mock the prohibition concerning the eating of shellfish (Leviticus 11:9-12) as if it still applied today, without understanding this temporary command within the sweep of redemptive history and the explicit teaching of Jesus who has come to liberate us from such ceremonial and cultic behaviour... Continue Reading
Happy Birthday Dear
"She was not cheated of her due, but blessed beyond measure."
Denise did not get three score and ten. She did not even get 48 years. As such it is a temptation for me to consider all that we have lost. I look at my children, especially our youngest who was just a year old when she was diagnosed with cancer, barely two when she died,... Continue Reading
Russell Moore: End of Cultural Christianity in America Is Opportunity for Church to Recover the Cross
Christians are now a prophetic minority in the world that Jesus told us it would be
“The Bible Belt is collapsing,” he declared. “The world of nominal, cultural Christianity that took the American dream and added Jesus to it in order to say, ‘you can have everything you ever wanted and Heaven too,’ is soon to be gone. Good riddance.” Southern Baptist theologian Russell Moore challenged his fellow Christians to... Continue Reading
What’s Wrong With 2K?
Three issues in dealing with the Kingdom of God
So, it seems that the real issue here is not so much protecting the church from being co-opted by politics, though we certainly need to be watchful on that score. Rather, it is the deeper question of what can the Gospel accomplish in our lives as individuals, in our families, and, yes, even in the... Continue Reading
Women In Charge of Kirk? Not If Knox Had His Way
Moderator says Knox influenced by the Queens of his day
“Every woman who knows Knox and his story about the ‘monstrous regiment’ and passes his statue does give a wee wry smile on the way past. The Church has moved a tremendous amount in the last 15 years.” He infamously dismissed a female in authority as “the monstrous regiment of women”. Now, more than... Continue Reading
5 Types of Sermon Illustrations and How to Use Them
Explanation of the text appeals to the mind, Illustrations appeal to the heart
At that point it became abundantly clear that the preacher must connect emotion to cognition in order to get action. There is no motion without emotion. It’s as true in the underdog’s locker room at halftime as it is in your pews on Sunday. I used to never bother with sermon illustrations because I... Continue Reading
The Ugly Flip Side of Christian Consumerism
Almost every pastor I know grieves consumerism among American evangelicals today. But what if pastors are equally at fault?
If the church were indeed a business, then a pastor would be wise to view his occupation much as any businessperson sees their career. The goal would be to improve skills, land the role of greatest influence, gain the most responsibility, and be rewarded by the best compensation package, all while residing in the most... Continue Reading
A Defense of Six-Day Creation
It’s my conviction that we in the Presbyterian and Reformed community have lost credibility with respect to this
I’m well aware of the fact that our tolerance of “day-age,” “analogical,” and “framework” views is seen by some as a very good thing. It shows that we are not stick-in-the-mud fundamentalists. And for this reason we can still be people who are respected by intellectuals and scientific people. We can even join with them... Continue Reading
Confused? You Ain’t Seen Nuthin’ Yet!
The plastic politics of contemporary sexual identity
I noted last week that an extra ‘q’ had been added to the now familiar LGBTQ initials. I had gained that gem of knowledge by browsing the freshman packet of Georgetown University (Georgetown is, as the late Richard John Neuhaus enjoyed pointing out, a Jesuit institution). Well, a keen eyed reader of Ref21 has spotted that Millersville University,... Continue Reading