Clergy Anger & the Urgency of a True Spiritual Life
Problem: dysfunctional bullies with power in the church. Solution: deeper spiritual life.
Most pastors are inherently “nice people”. Abusers take advantage of them, and they take it. They may even think that this is a sign of humility and faithfulness to the Lord. Yet in fact, these abusers are consistently, chronically, and systematically stripping the clergy of every ounce of self-esteem they once had when they first... Continue Reading
Anglican Communion Faces Troubled Waters
Arch Bishop declares focusing on one or two problems will not help in resolving the divide.
Another primate, Archbishop Mouneer Anis of Egypt, launched a harsh critique of the communion leadership’s unwillingness to deal with issues. Successive archbishops of Canterbury have tried to hold the communion together, but failed to use their influence to bring cohesion to autonomous provinces, he said. Primates and bishops from the Global South attending a... Continue Reading
Letters to Pastors’ Wives, Written to You
A review of Letters to Pastors’ Wives: When Seminary Ends and Ministry Begins
…when you have turned the last page, you will feel—as I did—that all of them are now dear friends, a cloud of witnesses, pointing you to Christ in the midst of ministry life. Once upon a time, I walked in the teacher’s lounge of the school where I worked. The teachers on their break... Continue Reading
Rapid Response
Trail Life USA acts quickly to fill the void left by a changed Boy Scouts of America
Immediately following the May vote, conservative Scout leaders and the churches that sponsor, or “charter,” Scout units, started to defect. The Scouts won’t say how many, and it likely won’t know until units recharter for the new year, but before the May vote, its own estimates were that around 300,000 members would leave because of... Continue Reading
Who Stands with Syria’s Christians?
Thousands called to halt U.S. military action but few mobilize to protect their brethren
When it looked as though the United States would go to war with Syria, members of Congress received thousands of calls from their constituents. The calls ran 99 to 1 against action, and higher. Could any of those thousands be mobilized to call on behalf of Syria’s Christians? Or to join already organized petition drives... Continue Reading
Evolution vs. Creationism
Did God created humans in our present form?
A much more specific and pointed question asked respondents if man evolved “with no involvement from a higher power.” There was a clear consensus among the 4,008 Blaze readers who responded. While six percent answered affirmatively, an overwhelming 94 percent of the readers who took the poll rejected this notion. Journalist Virginia Heffernan invited scrutiny,... Continue Reading
Jesus Christ: Our Prophet, Priest and King
Through Christ's three-fold office, He grants us freedom from sin.
As powerful as sin is, the blood of Christ is more powerful still. In Christ, the chains of our captivity have been broken, and the light of His grace has shone the way of freedom. But how has He freed us? Christ has secured our freedom because, in the shedding of His blood, He operated... Continue Reading
The Exodus From the PCUSA Continues
Some of the largest and wealthiest PC(USA) congregations are leaving
The departures, mostly for the Evangelical Presbyterian Church and ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians, have been ongoing for some time now, but the cumulative impact is adding up. ECO reports that 60 congregations so far have formally joined its ranks, with more either in discernment or on the way. The exodus from... Continue Reading
Suicide Attack at Church in Pakistan Kills Dozens
The attack coincided with a broader wave of attacks on religious minorities, including Shiite Muslims this year
Shafqat Malik, a senior official of the bomb disposal squad, said in an interview that forensic examination of the evidence collected from the church confirmed that two suicide bombers had carried out the attack. “Each bomber carried six kilograms of explosives,” Mr. Malik said. A suicide attack on a historic Christian church in northwestern... Continue Reading
How to Mourn with the Parents of Stillborn and Miscarried Children
Six thoughts to keep in mind as you comfort and console
Whether you know the reason or not, your pain is real. Your family has died to what it would have been. Those in your family, church, or community may not understand your pain. They may say insensitive things, act aloof, and fail to understand why you cannot get over losing a person you never met.... Continue Reading