God in My Everything
A review of Ken Shigematsu's book directed at helping Christians develop a full-orbed spiritual life
There were, to my mind two significant shortcomings to the book, that are related. The first is an real appreciation for the role of the church in the spiritual life of the individual. He does have a place for attendance at worship, but that seems to be the extent the involvement of the church. The... Continue Reading
Serial Choice? Hermeneutics and a High View of the Bible
Contemporary infatuation with choice dominates biblical interpretation
Historic confessions and creeds protect the Church from foolish “cereal aisle” autonomy. The Spirit who authored Scripture has through the years drawn the Church to understand it, and the great Church confessions greatly aid us in employing faithful hermeneutics. We are not advocating a paper pope, but a biblically grounded confidence in the historic analogy... Continue Reading
Iowa Professor: Theory of Evolution Filled With ‘Semi-Truck’ Sized Holes
The University of Iowa has become the latest battleground in the debate between creationism and evolution
Despite this fairly middle-ground tone, the faculty at UI found plenty to take issue with, particularly with Bowden’s claim that there are “holes in the theory of evolution that are big enough to drive a semi-truck through.” In response to the column, 25 of Bowden’s colleagues wrote a rebuttal acknowledging that while professors have a... Continue Reading
We Believe in Institutions
If you care about the welfare of your city and your neighbour, take ownership of the institutions around you
“In the history of the world, no one ever washed a rental car.” What he meant was simply that we don’t care for what we don’t take ownership of. Growing up—becoming an adult—is recognizing that the institutions you take for granted actually depend on you. There’s no “them” out there other than (people like) you.... Continue Reading
Terrorism from A Failed Ideology
Middle East expert Mark Durie, an Anglican vicar in Australia, shares the following insights on what’s fueling the Islamic violence exploding across much of the world, including the continuing attacks against Christians in Nigeria.
The challenge for Christians is to hold fast, to acknowledge the truth of what is happening: Islam is a failed ideology that is bringing only sorrow and failure to the world. We should repent and return to our core truths: the power of Christ to heal and save. And get ourselves ready to respond to... Continue Reading
Military Priests Face Arrest for Celebrating Mass in Defiance of Shutdown
Priests are being forbidden from celebrating Mass, even on a volunteer basis
There is a chronic shortage of active duty Catholic chaplains. While roughly 25% of the military is Catholic, Catholic priests make up only about 8% of the chaplain corps. That means approximately 275,000 men and women in uniform, and their families, are served by only 234 active-duty priests. The temporary solution to this shortage is... Continue Reading
Thou Shalt ‘Not’ Commit Adultery
The consequences when the “not” is removed from the seventh commandment
But God warns us against those who would call evil good (Isaiah 5:20), and fidelity to your marriage vow is good. Thou shalt not commit adultery, God says. These are not the words of a conservative prig but they are the words of a generous God whose commandments are not burdensome but wise and good,... Continue Reading
More Ministers Defect Over Gay Clergy Row
Two more Church of Scotland ministers have defected to the Free Church as the gay clergy row continues to rumble on for the Kirk
Kirk’s lack of clarity on marriage have contributed to the decisions of the latest ministers to join the Free Church. A Free Church spokesman said: “It is clear from last week’s census figures that many people go about their everyday lives without any thought of God or spiritual things. “The need for preaching and sharing... Continue Reading
Jeremiah 29:11 Is Not About You
Jeremiah’s verse is not written to a me; it is written to a we
“God has always worked to prosper God’s people and God always will. Just as God worked in history to preserve Israel, so he is now working to preserve the Church. Though God’s Church will undoubtedly face challenges and often be co-opted into the unholy agendas of governments and politicians and false teachers, and though the... Continue Reading
Gay Methodist Caucus Embraces Promiscutiy
A workshop leader framed “polyamory” and “kink” as among the non-traditional sexual orientations/identities that the church should celebrate
It is striking to see folk in the RMN crowd (at least among themselves) pushing the logic of their movement’s rejection of biblical sexual boundaries to the extreme of embracing promiscuity and even prostitution. But this does challenge the naiveté of fooling ourselves into thinking that church embrace of the LGBT activist agenda involves no... Continue Reading