The Grace of Repenting to Your Kids
Being honest with our children about our fallen nature can be an avenue back to the gospel of grace.
The only problem is that their daddy not only can do a little wrong but actually does more wrong than he would care to admit. As much as I’d like for it not to be true, I can royally blow it on how to love Jesus as a husband and father. Frankly, I can be... Continue Reading
A Friend of Sinners and No Friend of Sin
The gospel requires both repentance and relationships.
We must not think of relationships with non-Christians primarily as dangers but as opportunities. Do we go out into the world hoping for conversion or expecting contamination? Jesus never apologized for getting on the inside with outsiders. It was his mission. What kind of doctor refuses to see patients? What kind of farmer refuses... Continue Reading
The One Thing Your Team Needs . . . That Only You Can Give
Pastors need to give encouragement to all those in the ministry, not as flattery, but as simple gratitude.
Leaders of all types have one thing to give to their people that nobody else can give: encouragement. By this I don’t mean flattery that withholds useful criticism and coaching. I mean a simple affirmation of their gifts and their contributions. “Nobody has ever told me that before,” she said to me. Her tired... Continue Reading
Church Dismissals In The Synod Of Southern California And Hawai’i
Part 1
Similarly, almost all of the original 12 complainants are friends that I have worked with over many years in this presbytery and synod. This was for me very much a family struggle and while I am glad that I could be part of the resolution, I am saddened by how this originally developed and the... Continue Reading
Four Reasons Christians Should Oppose Casinos
Casinos historically target those who can least afford to participate.
The laws of pure chance or probability no longer dictate wins and losses on slot machines. Modern slots are hooked up to a central server that collects player information, preferences, and speed of play and has the capacity to program each machine to each player’s style. The trend in slot design is to provide a... Continue Reading
Why I Am a Six-Day Creationist
Three reasons to hold to the six-day view of creation.
I was and I remain a convicted six-day creationist, something that seems to increasingly be a minority position in the church. I do not make belief in a six-day creation a necessary mark of orthodoxy or a necessary mark of a Christian. But I do believe it is correct (I wouldn’t believe it otherwise, would... Continue Reading
The Miracle-Working Second Adam
Our spiritual healing by Christ is far more important than our physical healing.
The apostle Paul likened our spiritual condition by nature to that of a physically dead man (Ephesians 2:1-5). This should come as no surprise to us if we understand that the healing miracles–historical though they were–are really spiritual parables for us. They are parables that carry our minds back to Eden and the awful effects... Continue Reading
The Loving Intolerance of God
Shockingly, tolerance is not listed among the fruits of the Spirit.
But have you ever considered that tolerance is never encouraged in the Bible? The fruit of the Spirit includes love and kindness, but missing from the list is tolerance. In fact, Christians aren’t called to tolerance, because we serve an intolerant God Tolerance. The modern, cultural elite praise this virtue in every school setting,... Continue Reading
How to Interpret the Great Commission
A different hermeneutic between Calvinism and Neo Calvinism
Every moment Iran or India or the United States spends disregarding the Bible as the king’s word to them, at any institutional or personal level, is a moment of treason. All peoples, tribes, nations are called to entrust themselves to the new king and be his subjects (not to mention that he actually wishes to... Continue Reading
Church Waking Up to Abuse
Boz Tchividjian says “Aslan is on the move” with Christians waking up to the problem of sexual abuse in evangelical and Protestant churches
“Any time someone shines a light on the dark pockets of the church throughout history, oftentimes those folks get attacked,” he said. “Either the messengers or the message get attacked. You have ‘the message isn’t true’ or ‘I don’t like the tone of the messenger’ or ‘the messenger is slandering the church.’” An expert... Continue Reading