Thank God for Medicare
While the state has no place in areas like education, welfare, or medicine, as we grow older we find that sometimes our practices do not match our principles
Thank God for Medicare! I paid into the system all of my working years and at 65 years of age it was there for me. Yes indeed, it may go bankrupt (and yes indeed, it is not the responsibility of the state), but I leave that in the hands of God. It’s inexpensive compared to... Continue Reading
Obama’s Military Contempt: The Outrageous Treatment of Clint Lorance
Sending the wrong message to our enemies to those who would sacrifice their lives for our nation
In little more than a year, First Lieutenant Lorance was tried and sentenced to prison. Swift justice to be sure, but why then did it take four years to try and convict Nidal Malik Hasan, who fatally shot 13 and wounded more than 30 during his 2009 rampage at Ft Hood Texas? The irony of... Continue Reading
US Army Defines Christian Ministry As ‘Domestic Hate Group’
American Family Association listed as hate group by the military.
It’s not the first time the Army has accused conservative Christian groups of being domestic hate groups. Earlier this year, I exposed Army briefings that classified evangelical Christians and Catholics as examples of religious extremism. Several dozen U.S. Army active duty and reserve troops were told last week that the American Family Association, a well-respected Christian... Continue Reading
Malaysia Court Rules Non-Muslims Cannot Use ‘Allah’
Christians argue they have used the word, which entered Malay from Arabic, to refer to their God for centuries
Upholding the appeal on Monday, chief judge Mohamed Apandi Ali said: “The usage of the word Allah is not an integral part of the faith in Christianity. The usage of the word will cause confusion in the community.” The Herald editor Reverend Lawrence Andrew said he was “disappointed and dismayed”, and would appeal against the... Continue Reading
Preaching Politics from the Pulpit
Pastors join together to fight the Johnson Amendment.
“Pastors who are participating are recruiting other pastors,” Stanley said. “I believe this really is becoming a nationwide movement of pastors who are saying, ‘You have no constitutional right to in any way interfere with what I preach from the pulpit to my congregation.’” Bishop Aubrey Shines believes it’s important to present his Tampa,... Continue Reading
The Power to Persevere
The power to run the race is in us.
To run life’s race, we must have the power of God. In our weakness, God’s power is perfected. The very divine power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead is available to us for living the Christian life. This supernatural strength energizes us to run life’s race. By His grace, we are raised to walk... Continue Reading
Looking to Get Married? Try a Christian College
Study finds many at Christian colleges end up getting married.
The study found that among Facebook users who were married college graduates and over the age of 25, about one in four (28 percent) had attended the same college. (There were several caveats, such as not including people who didn’t list their college in their Facebook profile, or being unable to say whether the romance... Continue Reading
Howard J. Cleland, 95, Former President of Belhaven University, Called Home to Glory
Cleland served as a ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church in America at both First Presbyterian Church and Trinity Presbyterian Church in Jackson.
In 1961, Cleland was named president of Belhaven University (then Belhaven College) and served until 1978. He strengthened Belhaven’s commitment to academic excellence based on strong Christian principles. He also expanded its facilities, increased enrollment and broadened its number of degrees. Howard Jonathan Cleland, 95, beloved husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather, went home to... Continue Reading
The Miscarriage Secret
Being more open about miscarriage will help women heal quicker.
Miscarriage, it so happens, is nothing like a freak skiing accident. It touches many more women than we realize. I think that if we girls and women and boys and men grew up with a more open sharing of the grief of miscarriage, then the loss, when it happens, would not seem quite so alienating.... Continue Reading
Puritan Help for 21st Century Conflict — Part 2
Richard Baxter's wisdom for the Christian life.
Engage not yourselves too forwardly or eagerly in disputes, nor at any time without necessity. And when necessity calls you, set an extraordinary watch upon your passions. Though disputing is lawful, and sometimes necessary to defend the truth, yet it is seldom the way of doing good to those whom you dispute with. For... Continue Reading