Why Banks See Pastors As Bad Credit Risks
“Never loan money to poets, painters, and pastors.” the banker told me. He called it the “Three 'P' Rule.”
The first two on the list I understood, but the third I didn’t. Why would pastors be a credit risk for a bank loan? Here are a few mitigating answers. They don’t excuse irresponsible behavior; they explain it. “Never loan money to poets, painters, and pastors.” the banker told me. He called it the... Continue Reading
How should a pastor approach shepherding women in the church?
Wise, thoughtful, discerning, and balanced parameters needs to be at the heart of every pastor’s approach
There is, however, another side that is a growing extreme among younger pastors, especially. It is the pastor who so fears the foolishness of the first extreme that he completely neglects the pastoral care of women in general in his church. Motivated by fear or unwilling to make the extra effort to understand a certain... Continue Reading
The Puritans, Strange Fire, Cessationism, and the Westminster Confession
Some historical perspective on the question of cessationism
Whether you agree with the Scottish Presbyterians and the English Puritans on this matter, I don’t think anyone grappling with Milne’s research can deny that he presents a compelling case for the conclusion just stated. Without a doubt, the Westminster Confession of Faith teaches cessationism, but it is a cessationism which requires considerable nuance and allows for... Continue Reading
Mark Driscoll crashes the “Strange Fire” conference
Driscoll also says that the books he was handing out were confiscated by security. Conference organizers are disputing that claim.
Rich Gregory, assistant to John MacArthur, said he was there when it happened and that Driscoll’s books were not confiscated and there was nothing confrontational. “It was great, we were happy to have him at the conference. He brought books to hand out. We explained to him that all the books distributed on campus need... Continue Reading
Why You Should Care about the “Strange Fire” Discussion
What’s really being debated is how we walk with God
Second, we have to admit that how we view this issue substantially impacts the nature of the Christian life. It matters. It’s not an inconsequential idea. Someone worships God appropriately, someone doesn’t. Someone walks with God in a way that pleases Him, someone doesn’t. Our view of these things informs our personal communion with God.... Continue Reading
Why Nobody Wants to Go to Church Anymore
There are seven changing trends impacting church-going in America
I’ve got news for you, Mr. Stetzer, there are scores of people who have left the church, not because they possess some phony or inferior faith, as you would like to believe, but precisely because they do not want to be around judgmental people like you. They have left, not to abandon their faith, but... Continue Reading
“Somebody Has To Preach In This Hell”
Paul Schneider was a WWI veteran and also a Reformed pastor in Germany during the 1920’s and 30’s.
As he drove to preach for the evening service of his first Sunday back, he was stopped, arrested, and imprisoned by German police. In prison, Schneider had a Bible and at one point he asked his wife Gretel for a copy of the Reformed creeds and confessions. Also in prison, along with many of the... Continue Reading
Charitable Hospitals To Be Fined Under Obamacare
Fines could be as high as $50,000 for non-compliance
A new provision in Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code, which takes effect under Obamacare, sets new standards of review and installs new financial penalties for tax-exempt charitable hospitals, which devote a minimum amount of their expenses to treat uninsured poor people. Approximately 60 percent of American hospitals are currently nonprofit. A new... Continue Reading
How Can Churches Best Support Parents Who Adopt from Overseas?
There are no easy formulas. Three views.
My husband and I have mentored many couples considering adoption. Invariably, they are most concerned about their ability to become a true family with a child who seems so different. The international adoption process—the mountain of paperwork, the weeks of travel, and the bank-draining payment schedule—eventually ends. But the new family is forever. What gives... Continue Reading
Union with Christ: A Matter of Spiritual Life and Death
Apart from union with Christ, it is impossible to receive any of the saving blessings of God
Simply put, if we are not in Christ, we have no part in His death on the cross to atone for sins and no share in His resurrection from the dead. We are not justified, adopted, sanctified, or glorified without being united to Christ. “I do not see,” wrote Calvin, “how anyone can trust that... Continue Reading