Read a Book on Preaching. Even If You’re Not a Preacher.
Life revolves around preaching.
“The purpose of preaching is not preaching. Preaching is not an end in itself. We do not preach so that people will go away saying, ‘That was good preaching.’ The purpose of preaching is performance—not the performance of the preacher but the corporate performance of the whole assembly whose lives and relationships are shaped by... Continue Reading
John MacArthur Responds to Critics Who Believe His Strange Fire Conference Is Divisive, Unloving
Strange Fire conferences purpose was to build the body of Christ in love.
“Ninety percent of the people around the world connected to the Charismatic movement take ownership of the prosperity gospel,” he said. “Twenty-four to 25 million of them deny the trinity. One hundred million of them are Roman Catholics. This is not some fringe; this is the movement. And it is growing at a rapid rate.”... Continue Reading
You Are Not Your Labels
Christ's death frees us from the labels of the past.
But all of us have also adopted labels which are not so good. “My grandpa was an angry man, my dad was an angry man, and I’m an angry man.” Or, “I’ve always struggled with body image issues. It’s just who I am.” Or, “I’ve always wrestled with same sex attraction. It’s just a part... Continue Reading
Not Hearers Only
Three pastoral exhortations in helping us become more effective "doers of the Word."
We could not grow without being teachable since we cannot do what we do not know. The Christian life is not lived by human imagination or intuition but by divine revelation. In being teachable the Bereans were not gullible; they refused to be misled by preachers who were not handling the Scriptures accurately. This practice... Continue Reading
Fighting on Two Fronts: Biblical Belief under Siege at Home and Abroad
Only a small percentage of Muslims condone violence against Christians, but this small percentage equates to millions of Muslims.
With the zeal of a convert who has bitterly experienced Islam from the inside, Darwish called Islam a “top-heavy” religion without “confidence in itself” and an “insane and dysfunctional culture” that is “consumed with anger and envy.” “Peace is not an option” with a faith sacrificing the human rights of all, including women and children, for... Continue Reading
7 Reasons Your Church Needs to Go on a Diet
Church need to reduce the program to increase fruitfulness.
Sadly, some of the busiest churches actually diminish discipleship fruitfulness. And ceasing certain activities in the church can be extremely hard. You can run into sacred cows and favored ministries. Still, most churches should pursue a busyness diet for at least seven reasons. Most churches-more than eight out of ten-are busy. Too busy. These... Continue Reading
A Reason to Be Really Offended
The offense is the the reality of our own sinfulness.
The cross declares how dire is our condition apart from Jesus. It announces how deep the sin goes, how profound the rebellion is, how impossible is our plight apart from Help from the outside. There’s nothing we can do, no effort we can exert, no law we can follow. The message of Christ crucified says you’re... Continue Reading
Five Uninvited Guests
A few bad arguments from folks who seem to be allergic to any sort of sharpening confrontation
This last bad argument is the worst uninvited guest of them all. This argument is so biblically baseless and logically vacuous that it was what motivated me to write this post in the first place. Even if you disagree with me on the previous four and will continue to brandish those terrible arguments with impunity, annoying... Continue Reading
Is It Wrong To Send Our Daughters to College?
A response to Six Reasons NOT to Send your Daughters to College
The arguments against sending women to college generally include some combination of the following. Since good Christian women will be primarily wives and mothers, it’s a waste of money and time to send them to college. Young women will not be learning the most important skills they’ll need, instead they’ll be trained for a career.... Continue Reading
Why We Do What We Do
A Montana rancher is collecting donations of cattle to donate to South Dakota ranchers who were decimated in the recent blizzard
These ranchers have also endured several years of bad weather. A very severe drought last year put a big dent in the hay harvest. This forced many ranchers to sell off a portion of their herds because they could not afford to feed them. Some of the hardest hit sold almost their entire herd. This... Continue Reading