The Strange Unity of the Church
Of what sort, then, is that unity? It is a spiritual, ontological unity.
I would suggest that the unity of the church is visible in two ways. First, Christians recognize that unity when they meet other Christians from other denominations or other communions and see in them brothers in Christ. Such recognition does not deny that brothers may be in sin, may need to be corrected. There is... Continue Reading
Lessons Learned at Strange Fire
Thoughts on the recent conference
The charismatic/cessationist issue is polarizing. Before Strange Fire I did not know just how polarizing it could be, though I suppose others did know, and this is why we have been loathe to address it. Based on the reaction to the event and the discussions back-and-forth, it seems clear that this is an issue many... Continue Reading
Lives Destroyed
Sin is our enemy. Don't entertain it, play with it, be gentle with it, ignore it, or feed it.
Flee when Needed (Gen. 39): Joseph fled, even leaving his clothes behind, when faced with temptation in Potipher’s house. Flee from sin. If there is a billboard in a certain part of town, then go a different route. If a particular person leads your mind to wander, steer clear of them. If having cable television is... Continue Reading
Ben Haden, 88, Longtime Pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Chattanooga, Called Home to Glory
Dr. Ben Haden, 88, called home to glory on October 24, 2013
Dr. Haden, a former Kingsport, Tenn., newspaperman, came to Christ in midlife. After sensing a call to the gospel ministry, Haden attended Columbia Theological Seminary, graduating in 1963. He was called to serve as pastor of Key Biscayne Presbyterian Church in Miami, Fla. In 1967, Dr. Haden was called to be the 11th senior pastor... Continue Reading
The ‘X’ Factor: What Really Makes a Pastor Spiritually Mature
There's great danger in mistaking knowledge, busyness, and skill with personal spiritual maturity
It’s important to recognize that many people in ministry have been seduced by self-glory and lost sight of the glory of God. Not all people in ministry do their work out of a humble sense of their own need. Ministries derail because leaders begin to think they’ve arrived and don’t do the protective things they... Continue Reading
The PCA: A Healthcare Microcosm
The PCA experience with health insurance is a microcosm of the United States and healthcare/health insurance
If you had asked PCA ministers, ruling elders, and churches if they would like for every minister and minister’s family to have health insurance, the majority would have answered, “Yes, of course.” If you had asked them if it were a brotherly duty to see that all were provided health insurance, I expect the same... Continue Reading
Christianity Is Not Going Away
Despite the talk about secularizing America, church participation has remained remarkably unchanged nationally for most of 80 years
Religious liberals need to reconsider their hostility to Christendom, remembering that the original Social Gospel, with its thirst for justice, was unabashedly Christendom-centered. And religious conservatives, without reducing their passion for needed moral reforms, should be mindful of their blessings and position of unrealized strength. The quiet religious revival in New York City is mostly... Continue Reading
Understanding Global South Anglicanism and Why Global North Anglicans Hate Them
Liberal archbishops have not grown churches in the West; evangelical African Anglicans fear what the West is doing and what they will ultimately do if left unchallenged
At the core of the dilemma for liberals is a total loss of nerve when it comes to talking about Jesus, sin and salvation, the need for New Birth and pressing such ancient doctrines as justification and sanctification. Liberals would sooner talk about the need for anti-racism training, eco-evangelism, poverty issues, women’s issues and almost... Continue Reading
Why We Need Denominations
On issues that aren’t the gospel and don’t pertain to the gospel, Christians have this wild freedom to lovingly differ with their brothers and sisters.
Within the realm of orthodox Christianity, denominations are the result of brothers and sisters disagreeing on secondary issues. Though we all rally around the preeminence of the Gospel (and are thus united), we differ on doctrines that are not of first importance. And so, there are multiple expressions of “the faith that was once for... Continue Reading
How to Be Better Bereans (1&2 of 3)
Nobility is measured not by titles, land, parentage, wealth, or degrees, but by how we handle the word of God
Why do we check email compulsively? Or Facebook? Or Twitter? Or the old fashioned mailbox? Because we believe there is news for us—there’s something there. Someone may have just put up a sweet video of a cat or a status update about someone who made a nice lemonade. Really important stuff like that. We check... Continue Reading