Air Force Academy May Drop ‘God’ From Oath
Atheists seek to remove God from the oath.
“No one is forced to say this. This is about imposing an atheistic view on everyone so there can be no recognition of God,” Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council and a Marine Corps veteran, said in response to the complaint. The Air Force Academy is considering dropping the phrase “so help me... Continue Reading
New Venue for the Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology
PCRT moving to the western suburbs of Philadelphia.
For almost 40 years the Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology (PCRT) has been synonymous with Tenth Presbyterian Church in center city Philadelphia. It was started there in 1974 by James Montgomery Boice, and as it grew and flourished, it was taken to many other venues throughout America over the years. Now, as it prepares for... Continue Reading
Report: Church Giving Reaches Depression-era Record Lows
Both a poor economy and decline in membership given as reasons for the drop in giving.
Altogether, the report found, churches had $87.2 million less to spend in 2011 on work beyond their congregations than in 2010. Empty Tomb also reported that overall church membership has declined. Collection plates are growing even lighter as Protestant church member giving reached new lows in 2011, and tithing probably will not recover from the... Continue Reading
Don’t Make the Reformation History
Secular governments are erasing the Reformation and Counter-Reformation that are so important to our history.
Secularists want to understand the world, including its history, without any reference to the supernatural. Begrudgingly they allow the study of religion as yesteryear’s superstitions that led to bondage and war. But there is little motivation to understand the deep convictions of people that changed their way of life or to credit any religious movement... Continue Reading
Where Did All These Calvinists Come From?
12 sources God has used to reinvigorate Reformed theology in this generation.
“If you keep being told to buy Spurgeon, eventually you’ll read Spurgeon,” Dever says. “And if you read Spurgeon, you’ll never be able to believe the charge that all Calvinists are hyper-Calvinists and cannot do evangelism or missions.” Seven years ago this fall, a young journalist named Collin Hansen wrote a cover story for Christianity... Continue Reading
Highland Park Presbyterian in Dallas Votes to Withdraw from PCUSA
Highland Park votes to withdraw from the PCUSA for ECO
Highland Park Presbyterian is locked in a legal battle over custody of its $30 million church campus in University Park on University Boulevard. The church and its regional parent group, Grace Presbytery, have been in talks to try to resolve the property issue, but no agreement has been reached. Earlier this month, a state district... Continue Reading
How the Scandal of Preaching Will Reach Our Postmodern World
Preaching directly challenges the postmodern sentiment that all I need is me, my Bible, and Jesus.
So, how do we break into the lives of people who are immersed in this postmodern reality? How do we reach them for the gospel? Do we find ways to show them how the gospel is existentially satisfying? Do we offer therapeutic entertainment to draw them in? Nope. Instead, we do the unthinkable in our... Continue Reading
Science Supremacists
An aggressive scientism seeks to take charge of spheres well beyond science’s expertise
In a long, breathtaking paragraph, he asserts “We know” a number of facts we actually don’t know, but only assume if the God hypothesis has been proven false. Which it hasn’t. Theism and atheism are both assumptions that cannot be proved scientifically, because the necessary evidence lies outside science. No matter: To Pinker, empirical knowledge trumps all... Continue Reading
The Glorious Groan of the Gospel
The Christian response to evil and suffering
It is this “norm,” the norm of God’s character — a norm that cannot be ignored — that can help us understand something of the pervasive effects of evil. Here, then, is the first truth about evil and suffering. Evil and suffering are the consequences of a violation of God’s holy and righteous character. Many... Continue Reading
How to Be Better Bereans (3 of 3)
What is our ultimate authority?
All religion rests on authority. For that matter, every academic discipline and every sphere of human inquiry rests on authority. Whether we realize it or not, we all give someone or something the last word. You may give it to your parents or to your culture or to your community or to your feelings or... Continue Reading