American Bible Society in the Spotlight after Surprise Firing
Prominent evangelicals express dismay over the firing of Douglas Birdsall, but ABS says it did offer him a severance package
Eleven prominent Christian leaders, including Redeemer Presbyterian Church Pastor Tim Keller, penned a letter expressing dismay over the New York-based American Bible Society’s decision to fire Douglas Birdsall just weeks before his inauguration as the group’s new president. “As Christian leaders who have known Doug over the entire course of his ministry, we are perplexed... Continue Reading
Saving Premature Babies: When Doctors Take the Place of God
The doctor, of all people, should advocate in favor of life because if the doctor doesn’t advocate for life the system will kill you
While pro-life is all too often associated only with those of us who oppose abortion it encompasses a much larger philosophy of making decisions in the favor of life. With life all things are possible, not necessarily likely or guaranteed, but possible. When physicians get into the business of taking onto themselves the authority to... Continue Reading
Does God the Father Love You Because of Jesus?
The death of Jesus is the demonstration that God does indeed love us
The instictive answer would seem to be, “Absolutely!” After all, when I think of my sin and what I deserve from the hand of the infinitely righteous and just God, how could He love me apart from a representative who is Himself perfectly holy and lovely? It might surprise you, then, to know that the... Continue Reading
Ordinary Cook, Unlikely Hero
Spurgeon got his theology from an old school cook
Mary King is proof that theology is intensely practical and absolutely crucial—the joy of those who cherish him. As the psalmist put it, “Great are the works of the LORD, studied by all who delight in them” (Ps. 111:2). Countless thousands are spiritually indebted to the Prince of Preachers. He was indebted to a cook.... Continue Reading
Steps to Rebuild a Marriage
Even though an affair is a devastating trial, it can be used by God to redeem a marriage and move it to a place that is far better than either partner imagined
The problems in the marriage did not cause the affair and this in no way justifies the adultery. Yet it can still be a place where both people grow. Both can admit their own failures, sins and weaknesses and make new commitments to the marriage. This happens more effectively when the spouse who has committed... Continue Reading
5 Questions to Ask to See If Your Church Is Dying
A dying church is a congregation that will close its doors within 20 years if it continues its current trajectory
1. Has worship attendance declined in at least seven of the past ten years? 2. Has budget giving declined in at least seven of the past ten years? 3. Does my church look more like the community or less like the community than ten years ago? 4. Are church conflicts significantly more frequent today than... Continue Reading
Jesus Loves Me, This I Know
Is there a Scripture that is so versatile that it is able to meet and greet you in every one of life’s events?
Paul could have had every theological degree known to man, yet I am convinced that he would have been regularly undone and moved to tears listening to a 3-year-old sing, “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” Let’s find ourselves at home with this truth. Lean and rest against these walls... Continue Reading
A Sad Walk Through An ELCA Seminary
A very sad day walking through Luther Seminary
Upon entering the main building a sign was up promoting a new book at Luther’s Bookstore, “Pastrix” by ELCA Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber. She was a favorite speaker at the ELCA Youth Assembly and a few months ago spoke at the historic Central Lutheran Church in downtown Minneapolis—using the “f” word in her speech. I flipped... Continue Reading
To Stave Off Decline, Churches Attract New Members With Beer
With mainline religious congregations dwindling across America, some churches seek to attract new members by creating Christian community around craft beer
The Christian Church Disciples of Christ — a small mainline Protestant denomination — has experienced a steep drop in membership in recent decades. Beer & Hymns is one attempt to attract new people, in this hip, beer-loving city, while keeping a safe distance away from stained-glass windows. Rodney Page is optimistic. The 78-year-old is a... Continue Reading
The Sign of the Rainbow
The rainbow represents more than a meteorological phenomenon; it speaks to the promise of the Creator God Himself
Every time we see a rainbow, we should think of God’s judgment in the days of Noah and his mercy through His provision of the ark. The rainbow is a sign of judgment deferred. It speaks to the promise of God, a word as certain as God Himself. A promise of life to all who... Continue Reading