What Does “Amen” Mean?
Jesus says "Amen" to give truth, we say "Amen" to receive truth.
And all the people said … “Amen!” The “amen corner” has had an important place in the life of the church throughout the ages. However, it is rare to find such a spot among Presbyterians. We are known as God’s frozen chosen for a reason. It has been said that the Methodists like to shout... Continue Reading
How the Religious Right Won: Birth of the Fundamentalists, in Our Modern Times
As a historical phenomenon, fundamentalism is wholly modern. Its victories have come from decades of organizing
In the Southern Baptist Convention, many conservatives would have objected to the “fundamentalist” label as a Yankee epithet, a synonym for a barefoot bumpkin sorely lacking in southern grace. But if their self-perception was not fundamentalist, many of their goals and tactics were. Excerpted from “Apostles of Reason: The Crisis of Authority in American Evangelicalism” Fundamentalism... Continue Reading
Is America Less Moralistic Now, or Has Its Code Just Changed?
The new politics of gambling, marijuana, and other values issues
Maybe Americans want public policy to reflect their moral judgments as much as ever, but they no longer regard smoking marijuana or casino gambling—or sodomy, gay marriage, or pornography consumption—as morally suspect. At the same time, maybe jurisdictions are implementing tough new laws in other areas—mandates to recycle, laws against dog-fighting, marital-rape statutes, trans-fat bans—because people... Continue Reading
The Normalcy of Sin – By William H. Smith
Things are just messed up!
There it is. We mess up. It is not just that we mess up, as it were, by accident or because things just tend to go that way. Rather, we have a propensity to mess up – to mess up ourselves, others, everything we touch. “Sin is any want of conformity unto or transgression... Continue Reading
Kingwood’s Dismissal Process Comes to a Close
The sixth and largest church of New Covenant Presbytery PC(USA) completes departure to ECO.
We’re not leaving the Presbyterian Church. We’re moving from one part of the Presbyterian family to another part,” he said. “We’re being faithful to God’s call.” More than three years have passed since First Presbyterian Church of Kingwood started its journey to a new denominational home. At long last, the trek out of the... Continue Reading
Dr. Dale Ralph Davis Invited to be Minister in Residence at First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, SC
Ralph Davis will be the Sunday evening preacher
I am delighted to inform you that Dr. Davis has agreed to come on a more permanent basis as Minister in Residence where, among some other things, he will be the Sunday evening preacher. Truth is, Dr. Davis retired a few years ago and lives in Tennessee, but he and his wife Barbara have already... Continue Reading
Calvin’s Two Liberties
Two Kingdoms, Christian liberty, and "cultural transformation"
To add ‘cultural transformation’ to Christ’s command to his first disciples to go into all the world and preach the gospel, would (in Calvin’s view) jeopardise Christian liberty, and no doubt we could add that it would be to privilege the educated middle-class Christians over their blue-collar fellow believers. A command, or a kind of culturally-correct pressure... Continue Reading
When Church Courts Err
The Trinity House fellows include: James B. Jordan, Peter Leithart, Rich Lusk, Steve Wilkins, and Jeffrey Meyers
Yesterday I learned that Leithart is now teaching at a place called The Trinity House in Birmingham, AL. I Googled it and found this: http://trinityhouseinstitute.com/solomon-among-postmoderns/. The announcement says: “Trinity House fellow Rev. Jeff Meyers and Peter Leithart will lecture at the annual All Saints conference at Community Presbyterian church in Louisville, Kentucky, November 1-3. Click... Continue Reading
My Family, In Black and White
"When I step out in public with my two black sons and one white son, we turn heads."
Modeling for my children how to be a minority has a bigger purpose than merely learning how to have dark skin in a white world. My lessons are about how to wear Christ’s skin. How to conduct yourself among a majority people who are instinctively prejudiced against you for who you are, and for who... Continue Reading
Is John Piper Really Reformed?
The answer to the question is obvious to most people, but often in two different directions.
Which is why my first reaction to the proliferation of even some of Reformed theology is profound gratitude. Do I think TULIP is the essence of Calvinism? No. Do I wish many who think of themselves as “Reformed” would go a lot farther back and dig a lot deeper down? Yes. But does it bother me that... Continue Reading