A New Southern Presbyterianism?
The elusive reality of racial diversity and unity in the church took a significant step forward in a recent meeting
These servants of the Word see the multi-ethnic promise of God to Abraham in Genesis 12:3, “In you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” They see the implications of Galatians 3:28, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are... Continue Reading
Patton, Ike, and My Teenage Boys
Meet the vets before they pass on and hear their stories
Darren told me about his late grandfather, born in 1909, who could remember parades as a little boy where Civil War vets were present. After one parade, one of those vets recalled that, when he was a boy, his grandfather took him to meet an elderly vet of the Revolutionary War. “So,” Darren told me,... Continue Reading
Why American Compassion Won’t Save the World
Sending care packages abroad has marginal impact, because people have to eat 365 days a year
“We,” Westerners with a rescue mentality, will never solve “their” problems. As I write this, the country is being rocked with a national scandal the newspapers are calling “Cashgate.” High public officials and politicians have siphoned into the national treasury and the country is broke. The country’s health care system, always threadbare at best, has... Continue Reading
Lion or Lamb: Which Do You Need?
The book of Revelation is a very practical comfort in the midst of daily life
The Lion became a Lamb to sacrifice his life for sinners and sufferers so that they might be rescued from themselves and ultimately from every bad thing in the universe. The Lion is for you, but only if you bow before him as the Lamb of God who takes away your sins. If you admit... Continue Reading
Meet the New “Punk” Powerhouse of the Emergent Movement
Bolz-Weber’s pastoral style combines liturgy and community, beer and hymns, foul language and sexual innuendos
Departing from the “progressive” church, Bolz-Weber does not believe in catering to a “customer-friendly” environment in order to attract young Believers. During her discussion at Calvary Baptist she stated, “I don’t feel responsible for what people in my church believe, but I feel really responsible for what they hear.” “If a community has a more ‘progressive’... Continue Reading
Report of the Reformed Church in America Synod Meeting
Report of the 2013 RCA General Synod
While it was a foregone conclusion that the Conscience Clauses (which permitted complementarians to serve in the RCA without fear of persecution of any kind) would be removed from the BCO it still merits a mention. We now enter a time when complementarians are fully dependent upon the grace of the seminaries and the MFCA... Continue Reading
‘Silent No More’: A Review
This book diagnoses the cultural maladies and prescribes biblical responses to them
Milton admits that the primary work of pastors, like himself, is the gospel ministry of Word, Sacrament, and Prayer. Fulfilling the role of shepherds, pastors are to be on watch to announce with clarity the enemies of truth who are storming the walls of our soul. So pastors, who are being faithful, must stand in... Continue Reading
Contra Leithart: No, The Reformation Isn’t Over: Before You Reject At Least Understand It
Peter Leithart declares the “End of Protestantism;” it’s not at all clear, however, that he understands what he wants to end
The Reformation isn’t over, not at least for the confessional Protestant churches, who don’t equivocate, who understand what Rome is really saying, who still submit to the Word of God as the sole, unique authority for faith and life, who affirm the sole sufficiency of Christ and righteousness for us for acceptance with God, for... Continue Reading
Buddy, Can You Spare a Dime?
Ministers of large churches need to quit complaining about how hard it is.
Such threats are no doubt nasty and frightening. But does the wider world need to know about them? Does placing such knowledge in the public sphere serve to do anything other than enhance our own delusions of importance? Perhaps I am alone in this but maybe, just maybe, there are others out there who... Continue Reading
The Punches I Never Saw Coming
One pastor's reflection from a decade of ministry.
Pastoring is like being a Gumby doll. You will get pulled in many directions and sometimes feel a limb will fall off. There are cards of encouragement to write, sick to visit, leaders to equip, lessons to plan, staff to mentor, couples to counsel, prayer to offer, weddings and funerals to perform, your own heart... Continue Reading