The Stories and My Soaring Heart: A Defense of Youth Ministry
A defense of Bible-centered youth ministry.
I was not interested in an event-driven youth ministry but one that revolved around the teaching and prayer and relationships formed on a designated night each week. Yes, we would go to camp and have some events but the anchor would be a midweek Bible Study. I sold them on it but they were skeptical... Continue Reading
The Surprise Inside Church Bankruptcies
It’s not that they owe more than they own, says Pamela Foohey. It’s a leadership failure.
What surprised me the most was that churches entered bankruptcy saying they owned a building that was worth significantly more than they owed on it: an “equity cushion.” Most businesses that enter Chapter 11 are hopelessly insolvent; they have debts three times what they own. Churches look a lot different. I was surprised to find... Continue Reading
Extracting Nectar From a Painted Rose
The tension between God's goodness and evil in the world finds relief in the Majesty of God.
When, through faith and repentance, the scales fall from our eyes, when our hearts of stone are changed by God to hearts of flesh, not only do we acknowledge what we have always known about God in and through creation, but God’s special revelation — His Word — more fully details His majesty and glory... Continue Reading
God Has Climate Under Control
To claim that humans have significantly contributed to supposed climate change is an audacious demeaning of the character of God
There is no need to contact the EPA. God is firmly in charge of the climate. The pollution that needs to be dealt with is our sin. God has handled that by offering the gift of salvation to all who trust in Jesus for the forgiveness of sins. For what is truly a “safer, more... Continue Reading
Things Christians Struggle With, Part 1: Trials
The Bible does not know anything about Christians living trial-free lives
Our trials serve a purpose in that they conform our lives to Christ. Yes, we will never have to suffer to the degree that He did. Even still, one’s trials do not suddenly disappear the moment they become a Christian. But be thankful: they are a sign that you are His, that you have a... Continue Reading
Six Presbyterian Churches Leave National Church; Won’t Face Lawsuits
Stockton Presbytery settles for exit fees that range from $3,600 to $65,000.
“I said for years that when we look at the interpretation of Scripture, there’s not one single group that can claim to have the corner on the market on the correct interpretation,” he said. “But I always said I had to draw a line in the sand when it came to the lordship of Christ.... Continue Reading
Enjoying God, Coram Deo
While the WCF is theological, the first catechism question shows the confession as relational as well.
Over time, I have come to see the wisdom of the words to enjoy God. They capture the all encompassing nature of our relationship with God; namely, being chosen by God, called by God, united to God in Christ, justified by God, indwelt by the Spirit of God, adopted by God, sanctified by God, and loving... Continue Reading
5 Church Phrases That Are Scaring Off Millennials
Let’s examine these terrorizing and terrifying words to see if we should drop them, modify them, or indeed say them more than ever
“The Bible clearly says…” Apparently the age of IT and social media has turned millions into Bible scholars who don’t need to hear about the Bible’s clarity and who don’t believe the Bible is clear on much at all. Millennials want a lot more hesitation, qualification, humility, and admissions of fallibility in pastors’ sermons. It’s claimed... Continue Reading
The Federal Vision and Union With Christ
Is union with Christ permanent or something that can be lost? The Federal Vision movement says it can be lost while Reformed theology says it is an eternal union.
Peter Leithart put it this way when discussing baptism and union with Christ in a blog post called “Infant Baptism” (Aug. 6, 2004): “Apostasy is possible. It is possible to be united to Jesus Christ, receive His Spirit, and then fall from that gracious condition and back into the world (John 15; 1 Cor. 10;... Continue Reading
God Better Save My Kids Because I Sure Can’t
Biblical parenting is important, but it doesn’t produce saved kids, only God does that.
Right now parenting feels part biblical, part survival, and part insanity. But I have faith God will save my kids. Not because I’m doing a bang-up job as a parent, but because God is faithful. I believe God will use my feeble efforts to bring forth good fruit in my kids lives. I believe God... Continue Reading