Canon Revisited: A Review
This book is essential reading on the canon, all the more so for those engaged in Roman Catholic-Protestant debate
A third reason (and the reason I picked up the book to read in the first place) has to do with his treatment of Roman Catholicism vis-a-vis the canon. Kruger is always quick to point out strengths and truth in opposing viewpoints while pointing out the extremes. In his treatment of Roman Catholicism on the... Continue Reading
I Get Very Suspicious When…
Are we in danger of letting our theology be shaped by current events and ideas rather than the clear, unshakable Word of God?
When someone claims that the Church has gotten an issue completely wrong. Yes, there have been many mistakes made by church leaders throughout church history. But to claim that the Church as a whole has gotten an issue completely wrong for the last 2,000 years? Wow, very, very bold claim. To claim that Christians, who... Continue Reading
We Are Far Too Easily Displeased
Grumbling pours out of our soul whenever we feel like we’re not getting what we deserve
Grumbling is a symptom of a myopic soul. Selfishness has caused tunnel vision and has fixated on a craving(s). The soul has lost sight of the glory and wonder and splendor and hope that is the reborn, redeemed life and thus it is far too easily displeased. Grumbling is evidence of soul-vision impairment. Do... Continue Reading
What is the Calling of a Pastor?
The calling of a pastor is not intended to be the glamorous road so many make it out to be in our modern day
Fellow pastors and dear brothers seeking to be a pastor, the calling of a pastor is not intended to be the glamorous road so many make it out to be in our modern day. You will not be rich. You will not be appreciated as you should. You may do great harm to your family if... Continue Reading
The Relative Importance of Theological Doctrines
Can a model of the human body help us understand and explain the relation of doctrinal topics in our belief system?
People can live without considering some doctrines (such as eschatology), but I wonder if this is similar to living without a leg. You can do it, but it’s not best, and your overall functioning will be disabled. We may be more aware of certain organs in our bodies (such as our skin, or our lungs... Continue Reading
National Association of Evangelicals Continues Push for Arms Trade Treaty
Does the NAE represent evangelicals on this issue?
Not only is there a legitimate debate about the effectiveness of the treaty to begin with, and not only will the potential negative implications disproportionately affect the rank-and-file evangelicals the NAE purports to represent, but the treaty’s failure in the Senate is practically assured. The NAE has fallen into the same bad habit that continues... Continue Reading
Does Church/State Separation Apply To Black Churches?
There appear to be official partnerships between the federal government and black church denominations to enroll churchgoers in Obamacare.
If progressives are so afraid that the “wall of separation” between church and state is being dismantled, why are they not balking at the federal government’s conversion of the black church into a sub-agency of Health and Human Services? There are so many questions to ask about this odd church/state relationship. Given the fact that... Continue Reading
Arrrrrrgggghhhhhh!!! My Toe, My Toe, My Toe!
You matter to Jesus. And you matter to your local church.
Maybe you’ve had a bad experience in a church. Maybe you were let down by a pastor or disillusioned in some way and now feel like you want nothing to do with church. There are some churches you should leave – if they don’t preach the word or they tolerate sin. But don’t give up... Continue Reading
Mentoring Goals: Temper the Harshness
Help me not to be a disapproving Mrs. Barry when mentoring younger women
Choose the biblical standard. I have plenty of personal preferences, but these are not equal with biblical precepts. As a mentor, I see God sanctifying me as I sort out what He values and realize that not everyone applies the principles in the same way. For example, I would rather bake in my kitchen for a Session meeting than... Continue Reading
Billy Graham’s Birthday Bash Done Right
Attendees included Sarah Palin, Ricky Skaggs, Kathie Lee Gifford and Michael W. Smith.
Preaching, teaching, training, shaping, serving. Instead of shrinking and fading away, the Billy Graham influence actually grows through the years. And wherever it goes, it tends to produce—even from skeptics—a sense that it is well done. The Billy Graham organization has a reputation for doing things right. But partly because the Graham family activities... Continue Reading