What the Gay Community Lost While It Was Winning Gay Marriage
Savvy campaign pushed for normalization of the gay community, all the while pushing extreme homosexuals to the sides.
Moscowitz writes that, “in selling one particular version of gay and lesbian life, the movement risks unintentionally casting other forms of gay identity (not being part of a monogamous, married, child-rearing couple) to the margins.” She argues that when news media chose LGBT weddings to highlight, they inevitably included couples who looked and acted as... Continue Reading
An Oldie But Goodie
Those who relish Matthew Henry’s commentary will enjoy a new biography of the English pastor.
Matthew Henry’s six-volume Commentary on the Whole Bible has long been an evangelical favorite for its combination of thoroughness, specific detail, and price: It’s never been hugely expensive, and its Kindle edition now sells for 99 cents. Those who relish it—I’m one—will profit from Allan Harman’s readable new biography, Matthew Henry: His Life and Influence (Christian Focus, 2012). Henry... Continue Reading
Ayn Rand Didn’t Understand Capitalism. Or Altruism. Or Christianity. Or Reality.
Rand's Philosophy of Objectivism is fatally flawed because it is cut off from reality.
It is true, of course, that self-interest is the engine that drives capitalism. But self-interest is not the same as selfishness, at least not in the way that Rand would use the term. In her novel The Fountainhead, Rand’s protagonists are portrayed as the epitome of the capitalist intellectual hero. In fact, they rarely act less... Continue Reading
Faith Has Its Reasons
We are not called to a blind faith, but a faith that is supported by reason based on Scriptural evidence.
Faith never requires us to crucify our minds or deny our senses. It’s not virtuous to take a “leap of faith” if that means we plunge into irrationality. The Bible never calls us to leap into the darkness but to leap out of the darkness into the light. Christians from every theological tradition have for... Continue Reading
Gender Confused
Our clarity for human sexuality needs to be rooted in Scripture, not culture.
It’s rightly been said that where there’s a mist in the pulpit, there’s a fog in the pew. In the absence of clear, biblical teaching on gender and sexuality, people tend to get folded in to the Bible-ignoring zeitgeist. Unfortunately, that’s where too many evangelical Christians have drifted. A few years ago I was invited... Continue Reading
Abstinence Is Unrealistic and Old-fashioned, or Is It?
Our culture tells a lot of lies about sex.
There’s plenty of ignorance on the subject. Plenty of confusion. But it’s the lies I hate. The lies that come from people who know better. The people who have made mistakes and now encourage others to make them, too. You could ask any married person who slept with other people before meeting their spouse (I... Continue Reading
Are God’s Demands Always Gracious?
A response to David Robertson's review of One Way Love
The modern sanctification controversy is difficult and challenging but it does not help the discussion to pitch into the rubbish bin basic Reformed distinctions as we seek to encourage one another to be faithful to the whole counsel of God. Losing these distinctions has impoverished our dialogue and contributed to unnecessary confusion on essential issues.... Continue Reading
What is the Root of Liberal Theology?
Unbelief is the root of Liberal Theology. Never forget, the attacks we are witnessing in our day on our faith are coming from within the visible Church.
Unbelief is the root of many things. It has its roots in human pride. Liberal Theology is Humanism dressed up in Christian clothes. Secular Humanism is not Christianity. The Social Gospel is not The Gospel of Jesus Christ. To those of you reading this who have been intimidated into remaining silent so you won’t be... Continue Reading
Their Abortions—What Do These Abortion Testimonies Really Reveal?
The twenty-six testimonials published in the New York article are heart-wrenching and deeply troubling
For the advocates of abortion, these testimonies offer a clear refutation of their strategy of doing everything possible to speak constantly of a “woman’s right to choose,” while avoiding any reference to the baby. The baby refuses to disappear. When these testimonies of abortion reveal the very women who had an abortion speaking of “our... Continue Reading
What Constitutes Worldliness?
It is easy to pass external tests for worldliness, because we make up those rules
We can’t see worldliness. It grows in the heart. But we may be able to see some of its fruits. And those fruits are not primarily in how we dress or how we educate our children. Instead, worldliness shows itself in carelessness about spiritual things. It shows itself in prayerlessness. It shows itself in using... Continue Reading