Antinomianism by Mark Jones: A Review
A worthwhile resource on the topics of grace, law/gospel, justification, and sanctification
Jones’ chapter on antinomian rhetoric (where the opening quote above is found) is very helpful. I agree that there is much moralistic preaching in churches today. But we have to be careful not to overreact and overemphasize justification at the expense of sanctification. We have to be careful not to overemphasize Jesus’ work (what he’s... Continue Reading
Look Ma, No Worship!
Considering The Extreme Ends of Worship Trends
Bluntly put, worship isn’t done by lost, dead people, in ways that comfort their “lostness.” Let me add that corporate worship is not, strictly speaking, evangelism. While it includes evangelism, it is not evangelism per se. And if we confuse this point, if we structure and market Sunday worship primarily for non-believers, we walk a... Continue Reading
Ten Times It’s Wise to Hold Your Tongue
Ten situations where it's better to refrain from talking
When you don’t have anything to say that gives grace: Ephesians 4:29: “Let no corrupt talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear it.” I talk too much. Way, way too much. But God... Continue Reading
An Alternative Script for Same-Sex Attraction
If prohibition is the only message that those with homosexual desires hear from the church, then our message is incomplete.
If we are going to ask those who struggle with SSA to reject their longings for as long as the Lord wills, then we must have a strong theology of singleness that does not present it as simply a transitional stage on the way to marriage. It seems that in many churches, marriage is assumed... Continue Reading
Overtures On Same-Sex Marriage Submitted For Consideration by PCUSA General Assembly
The Covenant Network of Presbyterians and More Light Presbyterians have agreed to jointly pursue an Authoritative Interpretation (AI) of the PCUSA constitution and an amendment to the constitution in support of same-sex marriage.
Cascades Presbytery has approved an overture (Ovt. 021) that completely re-writes the Book of Order’s section on marriage – W4.9000, to “to allow marriage between ‘two people’ rather than limiting marriage to ‘between one man and one woman’ and to allow PCUSA church officials to perform marriage ceremonies between same sex couples,” according to the overture’s rationale.... Continue Reading
Fighting for the Greater Reality
A large part of the Christian life is fighting for the greater reality of God at work in our lives
This time, two weeks ago, I began to feel a sense of dread and foreboding. I knew what was coming and I hated it. I was defeated going in and I came out defeated coming out. I did not fight for the greater reality of God’s goodness and His faithfulness. It wasn’t that I actively... Continue Reading
What Are You Seeking to Produce?
What is the goal of pastoral care?
In other words, the biggest concern is character transformation as believers struggle with various sins and sufferings that are common to all. You will never be nor will you ever produce a perfect person. That can’t be your goal. If it is, you will be disappointed. You have the privilege of seeing God change a person... Continue Reading
5 Things to Do Before Leaving Your Church
Leaving a local congregation should be one of the most difficult decisions we face
Leaving a church can be a means of grace rather than a source of pain for everyone involved. But for grace to be multiplied we’ll have to do some things before we decide to leave and actually exit. Receiving this grace will require putting to death the fear of man and believing that God exists and He... Continue Reading
OPC Northwest Presbytery Sends Overture to the 81st General Assembly on Doctrine of Republication
Report: there is doctrinal confusion over the doctrine of Republication
The majority of writers in the Reformed tradition teach that the same moral law given to Adam was “republished” or “re-proclaimed” by Moses at Mt. Sinai. The moral law of God is unchanging and always demands perfect obedience. Since the fall, no man is able to perfectly obey God’s moral law and, as the Augustinian-Reformed... Continue Reading
Gospel-Centered Sex?
Many Christians have assumed that remedying the “marriage bed” would lead to a healthier marriage, but there is more to it
We miss the real pleasure of the marriage bed because we miss the profound mystery of Christ and His bride. He doesn’t command us to get over ourselves, take off our clothes and be vulnerable with each other in a merely physical act. He has removed our shame so that we can! When shame is... Continue Reading