Momentum for a Movement: EPC Moderator Addresses World Outreach Encounter
Moderator remembers his passion for evangelism
“An organization does not have momentum, a movement does, and Moderator Bill Dudley is leading our denomination in a movement of God,” was both the introduction of the speaker and the theme of the event as mission-minded Presbyterians gathered at the Evangelical Presbyterian Church’s World Outreach Encounter in Memphis, Tenn. Dudley had the great challenge... Continue Reading
When Your World Caves In
Reflections on the moral failures of some friends
To put yourself under the means of grace, to listen to the preaching of the Word and come to the table of the Lord, to pray the prayer of humble access. It won’t be easy, and there will be lots of pain and humiliation, but it’s worth it. You are not alone. You will have... Continue Reading
Counseling and Worship
Do counseling and what we have come to call one’s “style” of worship have anything to do with each other?
Readers of the Journal of Biblical Counseling and similar publications will gain invaluable wisdom by studying its articles each quarter. As they apply in counseling what they learn, they may see significant results in their counselees in the short term. However, unless their counselees are attending churches which are determined to read, preach, sing, and... Continue Reading
Church Trial Shines Spotlight on Denomination’s Ambivalence
The United Methodist Church’s ambivalence over homosexuality was front and center at the recent trial
Meanwhile, challenges to gay policies have become increasingly public and vehement in recent months. Tuesday night, United Methodist clergy said they will officiate at same-sex weddings on Schaefer’s behalf. Schaefer, pastor of Zion United Methodist Church of Iona in Lebanon, Pa., was found guilty on two charges for presiding at his son’s 2007 wedding to another... Continue Reading
‘Talk About Jesus’ Air Force Trainer Won’t Face Discipline
Military Says No Tolerance for Prosletyzing in Ranks
“God will always be a part of the U.S. Military even when you are gone to meet him face to face,” the foundation quoted the email as saying in a statement. “I am on staff at USAFA and will talk about Jesus Christ my Lord and savior to everyone that I work with.” An... Continue Reading
Why French Kids Don’t Have ADHD
French children don't need medications to control their behavior: The case against labeling and medicating children, and effective alternatives for treating them
As a therapist who works with children, it makes perfect sense to me that French children don’t need medications to control their behavior because they learn self-control early in their lives. The children grow up in families in which the rules are well-understood, and a clear family hierarchy is firmly in place. In French families,... Continue Reading
School Wrote To Parents Telling Them Their Eight-Year-Olds Had To Attend Workshop On Islam – Or Be Branded RACIST On Their Permanent Record
Parents told their children would be marked down for racial discrimination if they did not attend a workshop on Islam
The headmistress of Littleton Green Community School, in Huntington, Staffordshire, wrote to parents telling them about the school trip to the Explore Islam workshop at Staffordshire University next week. They were told the Years Four and Six children would be looking at religious artefacts on their visit – and threatened with being labelled as racists... Continue Reading
Supreme Court Allows Texas Abortion Law to Stand
The law restricting abortion centers took effect Oct. 31, and as a result, about a third of the abortion centers in the state will close
The law’s challengers had submitted an emergency application to the U.S. Supreme Court to stay the law as litigation continues. Justice Antonin Scalia handles emergency applications from Texas, but likely due to the controversial nature of the law, he had his eight colleagues weigh in. A divided U.S. Supreme Court allowed Texas’ new abortion... Continue Reading
Cities Need The Black Middle Class
The most stabilizing group of residents in inner-city communities has always been the black middle class.
During the era of racial segregation, it was the black middle class that stabilized many of these communities as blacks migrated from the South to the northern cities after World War II. Many of these neighborhoods have had low-income residents for decades but they did not have the same social pathologies and economic degradation that... Continue Reading
Women in Jesus’ Genealogy
He came from a lineage of sinners to save sinners
Five women are included, mostly poor, mostly misfits, widows, unimportant, unknown, sinful women who changed the course of history by their simple, obedient lives. One might suppose that the women in Jesus the Messiah’s genealogy should have all been the finest Jewish women, but they weren’t. Most weren’t even Jewish at all. And except for... Continue Reading