Three Words Which Absolutely Destroy Worry
Worry is the act of imagining a future without God.
Your circumstances may be bleak. You may not see a light at the end of the tunnel. You may not see any silver lining. But circumstances and tunnels and silver linings are not the basis of our hope, God is. Don’t be a functional atheist today. The Lord lives. Let’s live in light of that... Continue Reading
God Makes Us a New Person With a New Purpose
And let’s be honest, this is why many people do not come to Christ.
But you like your old life. You like your old person and your old purposes. You are happy to live for yourself. You’re going to be somebody. You’re going have something to show for yourself. You’re going to stick it to the man (or the woman, or whatever). You’re on your way. And you’re doing... Continue Reading
The Real Truth about ‘Boring’ Men — and the Women who Live with Them: Redefining Boring
Romance isn’t measured by how viral your proposal goes
Let everyone do their talking about 50 shades of grey, but don’t let anyone talk you out of it: committment is pretty much black and white. Because the truth is, real love will always make you suffer. Simply commit:Who am I willing to suffer for? So not every guy proposes with lip syncing, rolling cameras, and a... Continue Reading
US Supreme Court Orders Justice Department to Respond
U.S. Supreme Court orders U.S. Attorney General to respond to the HSLDA petition regarding the German homeschooling family who fled to the United States to avoid persecution because they homeschooled their children
Uwe and Hanelore Romeike fled to the United States in 2008 with their family after they faced the threat of thousands of dollars in fines and possible jail time because they chose to homeschool their children, which is illegal in Germany. They were initially granted asylum in 2010 by an immigration judge in Tennessee, but... Continue Reading
Ordinary Means
In a culture that is constantly looking for the next big thing, who wants what is ordinary?
We do not need more movements, more conferences, and more celebrities. We do not need the next big thing. What we need are more churches committed to the way disciples have been made since the Apostles planted a church in Jerusalem two thousand years ago: the slow-going, unspectacular, ordinary ministry of Word and sacrament, where... Continue Reading
The Cool Pastor: An Oxymoron or Just a Regular Moron?
The ‘cool’ factor attempts to copy the world and really isn’t cool
The unbelieving world will always do “cool” better than the Church. When the Church adopts coolness and relevance as its corporate values, it slavishly agrees to follow, lagging always one step behind the world. (This is why Christian music always ends up ripping off the sounds and styles of their secular counterparts, while Christian film... Continue Reading
Christian College Considering Allowing Faculty Members to Be in Same-Sex Relationships
Eastern Mennonite University is considering reversing its policy that currently bans tenure-line faculty members from being in same-sex relationships
University President Loren Swartzendruber announced on Nov. 18 that the school would embark on a six-month “listening period” where students, faculty and staff would be asked to share input with the administration on whether the institution should reverse its ban. During the period, “faculty will not be penalized for violating the policy, meaning some professors... Continue Reading
Barna Study Focuses on Faith of Pastor’s Children
Results varied between mainline churches and non-mainline pastors.
When asked to provide reasons for their children’s doubts, lack of church involvement or rejection of the Christian faith, respondents cited unrealistic social expectations (28 percent) and negative experiences in church (18 percent) as the primary reasons. Are pastors’ kids prodigals? A new Barna Group survey uncovered ambiguous results. Senior pastors with children at... Continue Reading
Liberty U. Student Shot and Killed in Confrontation with Campus Police
19 year old attacks officer with sledge hammer and was known to be having difficulties.
“This appears to be an isolated incident and there is not any ongoing concern for the safety of students or the community,” Lynchburg police said. “We are not currently seeking any suspects in relation to this incident.” A 19-year-old Liberty University student was shot and killed early Tuesday at an off-campus women’s dormitory in... Continue Reading
Evangelical Retreat
A transformed American culture calls for a new and different Evangelical engagement of politics.
Dispensationalist fascination with prophecy has waned in recent years, as Evangelicals seem to be recalibrating to the larger church tradition on eschatology. But I find that in talking to Catholic and Orthodox friends, some of them fear a Rapture of a different kind. They worry that Evangelical Christians will soon evacuate not the earth but... Continue Reading