Things Christians Struggle With, Part 2: Betrayal
Betrayal takes place when someone breaks your trust after you had considered them to be trustworthy
While it’s true that we have all been stung by the betrayal of others, is it not equally true that we have at some point been on the giving end? Is it not the case that we are all too quick to recall (and even amplify) certain instances where others have hurt us, and minimize... Continue Reading
‘The Pure Flame of Devotion: The History of Christian Spirituality–Essays in Honor of Michael A.G. Haykin’
Dr. Haykin was completely surprised the presentation of a Festschrift entitled The Pure Flame of Devotion was presented
A Festschrift entitled The Pure Flame of Devotion was presented to Haykin by Steve Weaver, who edited the volume along with Ian Clary. Over two years in the making, The Pure Flame of Devotion features a foreword by Dr. Russell Moore and 23 essays on the history of Christian spirituality by such leading scholars as... Continue Reading
Supreme Court To Rule On Obamacare’s Contraceptive Mandate
The high court will consolidate cases involving evangelical retailer Hobby Lobby and Mennonite cabinetmaker Conestoga Wood Specialties
The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday agreed to rule on the element of Obamacare that pro-life Americans find most objectionable: The contraceptive mandate. Under the healthcare law, businesses must provide health insurance plans for employees that include coverage of contraceptives, including abortifacients like Plan B and Ella. The case involves fundamental questions of religious liberty... Continue Reading
Evangelicalism, Large Cities, and the ‘Other’ Christians
Some evangelicals write as if they are the only Christians doing God’s work in the world.
In 2010, journalist Tony Carnes launched a fantastic project covering the various religions in New York City and from his work the most accurate description of New York City is “post-secular.” In fact, one could argue that it is because of New York City’s religious pluralism that newly-arriving evangelicals even have a context in which to thrive.... Continue Reading
Preaching Like Peter?
Lessons from Peter's Pentecost sermon
Today, there is much understandable concern about how to communicate biblical truth to an increasingly post-Christian, post-modern, post-everything culture. There is profound appreciation of the chasms that often lie between Western and non-Western cultures. But, of course, much the same could be said of the first century. In the face of these daunting challenges, the... Continue Reading
Don’t Tell Me Your Kid’s Sins
When parents retell our children's sins, we often leave the impression that we are the ones who have been wronged
Perhaps one of the most popular examples of telling children’s sin is the viral Tumblr “Reasons My Son Is Crying.” The site was launched by Greg Pembroke, who posted photos of his children in distress because of seemingly insignificant events. The captions describe tantrum-inducing moments like “I broke his cheese in half” and “the neighbor’s... Continue Reading
Creationists Win Second Opinion on Texas Textbook
What Texas decides could affect textbook selection nationally because the state is so large that many books prepared for publication there also are marketed elsewhere around the country
Publishers submitted proposed textbooks this summer. Committees of Texas volunteer reviewers raised objections about the Pearson text, some arguing for creationism, others objecting to the portrayal of climate change as a settled scientific fact. Other concerns included differences of opinion on how long it took the earth to cool, interpretation of the fossil record, and... Continue Reading
“The Christian Spring” or “Brink of Extinction”
The spiritual climate is really bleak in the UK, and the US is only 5-10 years behind.
If Christians are to have any hope for the future, it has to be grounded exclusively in God. If there’s any verse that our generation needs to hear it’s “Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of” (Isaiah 2:22 KJV). What does that look like... Continue Reading
Why Is It So Critical That We Sing Together?
Something unique happens when we sing together. The word of Christ dwells in us richly.
And music does this in a way that preaching can’t. In songs phrases are repeated and tied to music. This makes them more memorable. Singing is a way of meditating on God’s word. It’s mulling it over. It’s chewing on it, rolling it over, chewing some more. The word of Christ dwelling richly. Music is... Continue Reading
Large Differences in “Hookup Culture” Between Catholic/Secular College Students and Evangelical Ones
Why such strong differences between evangelicals and Catholics?
I would also just like to point out, by way of encouragement, to evangelical parents a major implication of her research. Biblical Christianity works. To a significant degree, spiritual discipline and diligence by parents and churches in inculcating Christian teaching and practice among their youth is used by God to produce greater purity (and happiness). ... Continue Reading