Why Celebrate Advent?
Advent reminds us that the greater redemption we have in Christ is worth waiting for.
Even on this side of Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday, there is brokenness in our world that no cart full of Black Friday bargains can fix; there is hunger in our souls that no plateful of pumpkin custard can fill; there is twistedness in our hearts that no terrestrial hand can touch. “The whole creation,”... Continue Reading
PCA Standing Judicial Commission Member Files Protest for SJC’s Failure to Assume Jurisdiction Over Peter Leithart
Protest presented to the PCA’s Standing Judicial Commission for answering Overtures 2013-20, 21, and 22 in the negative
The SJC’s answer to Overtures 20, 21 and 22 establishes the principle that in such cases a presbytery has completely fulfilled this requirement to act if it has conducted a trial that fulfills all the technical details required by the BCO. With this understanding of BCO 34-1, should a presbytery become unwilling to convict one... Continue Reading
Casualties of War
Perhaps the pastorate isn’t dangerous, but I think it ranks up there for the level of stress that pastors suffer.
So, why on earth would anyone want to pursue the pastorate given these casualties of war? Simply stated, there’s a fire in your belly and a sense that you just have to pursue the call. A wise colleague of mine once said to a prospective seminary student who was thinking about pursuing ordained ministry, “If... Continue Reading
Homosexuality in Culture
Our culture’s majority position on homosexuality reminds us that we do not live in Christian America
Where can we be salt and light? So given that homosexual marriage is here to stay—now what? How do we talk about these things in a way so as not to become a stumbling block? What are the critical political issues? How do we engage with both those who hold strongly to a homosexual political position and... Continue Reading
Is the Movie Version of Noah Biblically Accurate?
Don't be taken in by the Noah movie trailer
There were many other bizarre, unbiblical aspects in the preview cut. Though it’s possible that some of these elements may not make the final cut (though we suspect most will), compare the above list to the trailer that has just been released! The comparison should be very revealing for you. You wouldn’t get much of a hint of... Continue Reading
5 Things to Do Before Leaving Your Church: The Pastor Edition
Thoughts churches and pastors might find helpful in the sometimes painful process of losing a shepherd
It’s hard on everyone when a pastor leaves–usually. Sometimes congregations are happy to see a man go and seem to do everything they can to ensure it happens. The story is told of the irate pastor who stood before the unhappy congregation and announced in no uncertain terms that he was leaving. Today would be... Continue Reading
Why Worship Teams Should Seek To Play With Excellence
Music is a gift of God’s grace to the world and especially his church.
I recently encouraged and thanked our worship team for pursuing musical excellence as they lead us in singing to the Lord together. Though they are not seeking to perform or show off their talents, when they play with excellence, it helps us worship. Not that we need instruments to worship, but the music stirs us. Many... Continue Reading
Supreme Court rejects Liberty’s Obamacare challenge
The case challenged both the employer and individual mandates on grounds of religious freedom, but it also disputed Congress’ power to compel employers to provide insurance.
Representing Liberty University is Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel, who challenged the law the day President Barack Obama signed it in 2010. On Tuesday’s The World and Everything in It, Staver said the issue of the employer mandate isn’t over. “If certainly there is a Court of Appeals that will strike down the employer mandate, that’s... Continue Reading
Christian, Where is your Hope?
I made a list of where my hope isn't to remind myself
Christ is our only sure hope. Our salvation is secure in Him. God has saved us, God is saving us, God will save us. Past, present, and future. All are certain in Him. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy... Continue Reading
Family Worship and Its Benefits
Family worship is not meant to be some kind of guilt inducing torture established by divine decree. Rather, it is a means of grace.
As we think about family worship, we should note up front that there is no verse of the Bible commanding Christian families to gather together each evening to worship. However, there are plenty of commands making it clear that Christian parents are to teach their children the faith, read the Word, and pray. In essence,... Continue Reading