Men and Women’s Brains Are ‘Wired Differently’
Men and women's brains are connected in different ways which may explain why the sexes excel at certain tasks
“It has been known for some time that there are differences between the sexes when it comes to how our bodies work and the brain is no exception. However, he said care must be taken in drawing conclusions from the study, as the precise relationships between how our brains are wired and our performance on... Continue Reading
New Life After the Fall of Ted Haggard
How the megachurch healed—by remembering what it means to be the local church.
After the two tragedies, church numbers declined almost by half—down to 8,000 members or fewer, from a reported peak of 14,000—with a corresponding decline in income. Staff faced multiple layoffs. Longtime pastors and leaders moved on. In time, the spotlight faded. And the remaining staff and members were left to recover, to remember, to rediscover... Continue Reading
A Big ‘A’ on Daley Plaza? That’s the Best Atheists Can Do?
An agnostic's take on the Christmas season.
The city tree is a celebration. The creche and the rest, castigation. Protected speech, true, though you wonder what happens when Muslims and Buddhists, Scientologists and Taoists all stake out spots. What the war-on-Christmas crowd doesn’t get is there are lots of religions, and if they all set up shop on Daley Plaza soon there... Continue Reading
If God’s In Charge, What Does This Mean For Our Plans?
Is it wrong to make plans for the future?
How silly it is to make our plans independent from the One who made us. How silly it is to carve out our own autonomous niches. How silly it is to live, dream, and aspire with God’s will as a secondary concern. With that said, is James implying that all of our attempts to “plan... Continue Reading
Books by John Howard Yoder to Include A Statement Regarding His Sexual Abuse
Yoder (1927–1997), well-known Mennonite theologian for his work on Christian ethics, is also remembered for his long-term sexual harassment and abuse of women
The board and staff of MennoMedia, the publishing agency for Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite Church Canada, has issued a statement regarding the continued publication of John Howard Yoder books in light of ongoing discussions of Yoder’s long-term sexual harassment and abuse… We are opting to continue to make his work available but are placing... Continue Reading
Judge Orders Colorado Cake Maker To Serve Gay Couples
The business will face penalties if it continues to turn away gay couples who want to buy cakes.
“At first blush, it may seem reasonable that a private business should be able to refuse service to anyone it chooses,” Judge Spencer said in his written order. “This view, however, fails to take into account the cost to society and the hurt caused to persons who are denied service simply because of who they... Continue Reading
The 5 Gossips You Will Meet
Most of us have met these people. Most of us have been these people.
We all know The Backstabber, don’t we? The Backstabber is a complainer, but he is more than that. He is also angry and malicious and is out destroy others. He may bring full-out lies in order to bring down another person, or he may engage in a smear campaign. He looks for something, anything, everything wrong... Continue Reading
Who Needs Santa When You’ve Got Jesus?
Santa, the Christmas Lie, is but a whimper and a sigh in the light of Jesus, the Christmas Truth.
In other words, Jesus is WAY cooler than Santa. This is a message that is, I think, tragically lost on many children. Let’s be honest: Christmas ain’t big enough for the both of them. Santa, the fun fictional character? Sure. Santa, the silly game of make believe? Yeah, he can join the festivities without overshadowing... Continue Reading
Has the Megachurch Lost Its Luster?
What will be the future ecclesiastical landscape?
Seekers, the curious, and nominal believers can come to enjoy a show, hear a sermon, remain unperturbed in the enormous crowds, and enjoy the energy and facilities of a megachurch. However, if these same people want depth, they will be referred to small groups. But, more often than not, hungry Christians will begin to attend... Continue Reading
More Arguments That Are Less Than Meets the Eye
10 popular arguments that should be less persuasive than they often are.
If you traffic the blogosphere, or just scroll down Hootsuite or your Facebook page, you will find these arguments in abundance. And they very often carry the day. But on closer inspection, the reasoning is often much less than meets the eye. Three years ago I wrote a post about six popular arguments that should... Continue Reading