On Them Has Light Shined—The Christian Minister as Torchbearer
The minister is rightly depicted as a torch-bearer, taking the light where it is so desperately needed and letting it shine in all its glory
Light is such a powerful metaphor for revelation, understanding, and salvation. It is central to the Bible’s own presentation of the Gospel in both promise and fulfillment. It is also a powerful metaphor for the Gospel ministry. Christian ministers are light-bearers, declaring the light, taking the light, sending the light, letting the light shine. ... Continue Reading
Bible Bashing – How Not To Do Evangelism
It is the Spirit’s job to convince, convict and convert sinners, not ours; no need for ‘Bible Bashing’
Perhaps Bible bashing is not the problem for the evangelical church today. Maybe the challenge is Bible blushing, where believers shy away from asserting the truth of God’s Word. Regardless, when we do speak it must be in humble reliance on the Holy Spirit, firmly gripping the hilt of His sword with patience, instruction, gentleness... Continue Reading
PCA General Assembly for Beginners, Part 2
Reviewing the work of the committees and agencies at General Assembly
It is the responsibility of the CoC to review the reports of the permanent committees and agencies. These reports are to be circulated at least one month prior to GA, so that the commissioners may have time to review and evaluate the reports, so that they are not unprepared when the time comes for the... Continue Reading
The Gift of Being Evangelical
Many of my peers lament their church upbringing. Why I celebrate mine.
Evangelicals have long been painted with a broad brush: moralistic, right-wing, uneducated, and unable to appreciate the earth or beauty, fearful and not a little bit strange. That picture is not accurate or full; I don’t know many people or movements that would stand up to it, even with their worst characteristics laid bare. Seeing... Continue Reading
Former Gay Activist Marries Woman; Addresses Critics Who Condemn His New Heterosexual Lifestyle
Ex-gay activist Michael Glatze penned an open letter about his recent heterosexual marriage addressed to "angry homosexuals" who have criticized him for leaving his past and finding God
“We are not a couple of people who are interested, per se, in being political pawns. I have never called myself an ‘ex-gay,’ though other people have called me that. But, then again, people have called me a lot of things, on account of the fact that I left homosexuality a few years back and... Continue Reading
Jesus Is For People Who Hate Christmas
The true meaning of Christmas: wherever Jesus goes he brings the reign of God!
Ultimately, Christmas should give the most hope to those who hate Christmas. Things won’t always be this way. As it says in 1 John 3:8, “The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.” Those are such sweet words. Christmas is a celebration of war! Jesus himself has declared... Continue Reading
Jesus Wants You to Judge
If you would ever consider accepting and celebrating my sins for the sake of being “non-judgmental,” please do me a favor and stop doing me that favor.
Our culture has an agenda, and the agenda has nothing to do with following Christ or His precepts. Flimsy modern weaklings have taken the “don’t judge” concept out of context — twisted it, perverted it, and used it as an excuse to sit silently while all manner of unspeakable evils happen in their midst. ... Continue Reading
Bible Secrets Revealed?: A Response to the New History Channel Series (Part 4)
The newest episode is entitled, “The Real Jesus,” and addresses the question of what we can know about the historical Jesus.
Not surprisingly, this episode ends by casting doubt on the resurrection itself. However, I was disappointed by the trite (even flippant) alternative explanations given for the empty tomb. They are just not sufficient to explain the early Christian belief in the resurrection. For example, James Tabor argues that the tomb was empty on Sunday morning... Continue Reading
The Tragic Death Of The Funeral
Baby Boomer narcissism crowds out Christian meaning from a familiar ritual
In the Christian tradition, neither life nor death are ‘natural.’ Life is always a gift from God and death is always the consequence of sin. Embedded within human nature is a mortality originally alien to it, but now inextricably united to our nature. Each death bears witness to that fact. Any talk of life which fails to talk of... Continue Reading
Shooing Away the Legalism Boogeymen
More and more I’ve interacted with Christians humbly and faithfully working out their salvation with fear and trembling, only to have the legalism card slapped on them.
Being one of the more tragic errors, this boogeyman comes in the form of, “Mellow out on trying hard to obey. You’re free in Christ to let go and let God,” and chides humble saints from giving efforted consideration of obedience to their Lord. Ironically, this “legalism” label is sometimes slapped on someone as a... Continue Reading