Top 12 Christian Books of 2013
The following top 12 Christian books for 2103 as posted by Monergism Books
The following top 12 Christian books for 2103 as posted by Monergism Books. 1) Who’s Your Father?: Returning to the Love of the Biblical God By Robert Bernecker 2) From Heaven He Came and Sought Her: Definite Atonement in Historical, Biblical, Theological, and Pastoral Perspective From Crossway/Good News Publishers 3) Systematic Theology: An Introduction to... Continue Reading
A Response to ‘What We Lose When We Manipulate Jesus’
If we solidify, reinforce or confirm the world’s use of a word like ‘hate’ we undermine our Biblical world view
In our culture as Christians, we must always be kingdom-minded and aware of world views. We have a world view based on the Bible. We use Biblical terms and Biblical definitions for terms. We as Christians formulate our opinions and our view of the world on every subject from the Bible if it even touches... Continue Reading
Top 50 Articles on The Aquila Report for 2013: 21-30
Article numbers 21-30 of 2013
In 2013 The Aquila Report posted over 2,900 stories. At the end of each year we feature the top 50 stories that were read. The top story this year had over 20,890 hits. We average 8 new stories each day, with a variety of subjects – all of which we trust are of interest to... Continue Reading
Evangelicals Find Themselves in the Midst of a Calvinist Revival
In the United States today, one large denomination, the Presbyterian Church in America, is unapologetically Calvinist
“Ten years ago, everyone was talking about the ‘emergent church,’ ” Mr. Vermurlen said. “And five years ago, people were talking about the ‘missional church.’ And now ‘new Calvinism.’ I don’t want to say the new Calvinism is a fad, but I’m wondering if this is one of those things American evangelicals want to talk... Continue Reading
5 Signs Kids are Struggling with Entitlement
It is possible to raise grateful, hard-working kids who put others first
I love to help my kids out. But there’s a fine line between helping and aiding bad behavior. If my child forgets their lunch every day and I bring it every day, there’s really not a reason for them to ever be responsible. My kids expected us to give them money for a gift for... Continue Reading
Reflections on a Senior Pastor Search
A member of a pastor search committee reflects on the process
I’m also really grateful to all of my pastoring brothers whose first charge to me, when I asked their advice, was to RESPOND PROMPTLY to applicants (many of them having had their own submissions fall into a black hole when they applied for a position somewhere!). Add to this our committee’s desire to be candid... Continue Reading
A Happy New Year, a Not So Happy New Word, and a Toddless Podcast
Millivanillism, n., an established and accepted way in which certain twenty-first century megachurch pastors "write" books and "prepare" sermons
As we head into 2014, there is sadly little sign that those who are the public leaders of the reformed evangelical movement in this country actually intend to do much public leading when it comes to the problems that lie at the heart of our corrupt evangelical culture It is indeed rather grim and more... Continue Reading
How to Guard Against Mission Drift
Making disciples is the mission of the church, anything less is disobedience to Christ.
Make the mission of your church the filter by which you determine your yes and no. You will need to say no to some very good things that don’t hit the bullseye of what God is calling your church to do. New pastors and/or church planters have extremely high aspirations for maintaining the purity... Continue Reading
SC Court Rejects Bid to Add Bishop Lawrence to Lawsuit
Diocese is grateful for judges actions.
TEC has historically used the courts to punish parishes and dioceses who disagree with the denomination’s shifting theology. The group has already spent more than $22 million on legal efforts to seize individual church property and evict parishioners. At times when judges have ruled against TEC, the denomination has filed time-consuming appeals that have tied... Continue Reading
A Response to ‘A Defense of Calvin’s Rejection of Christmas’
Calvin did not think that we should evaluate a church on whether it “observes more festival days than the others,” such as Christmas or Easter
Readers may be surprised that Rev. Williamson’s view was seemingly not shared by Calvin. I do not represent the following as fully representative of John Calvin’s views, but as two data points. The first is a letter in 1551 to Berchtold Haller, the leader of the Reformed Church of Bern… The second is a letter... Continue Reading