The Internet Makes Us All Miserable
Don’t let the Internet determine how you see yourself. Serve faithfully and let God be the judge.
Every day hundreds of people post about the awesome life they are living. Newly engaged couples post photos of themselves sitting together, foreheads touching, fingers intertwined. Meanwhile, you’re single, with no prospects other than a full Netflix queue. Parents give a shout out to their four year old, who just learned one hundred Latin words.... Continue Reading
Six Ways to Look Godly While Not Growing Your Faith in 2014
For 2014, six ways to look godly while doing little
Rearrange the Christian books on your bookshelves. Last year, #6 was “Buy Christian books and put them straight on your bookshelf”. This year, you can save yourself some money by simply rearranging the ones you bought last year. After all, only really seriously godly Christians read books twice. Leave a few scattered around your house,... Continue Reading
The Lord’s Day and Discipleship
Jesus established the priority of the local church and Lord’s Day ministry in discipleship
Pastors can be reticent to speak about the Lord’s Day, fearing perceptions of legalism or self-aggrandizement. But we need to be reminded through teaching and the example of church officers of the importance of the Lord’s Day for Christian discipleship. As Jesus said, “The Sabbath was made for man” (Mark 2:27). The Lord’s Day is... Continue Reading
Was Calvin Advocating Introspection as the Way to Know God?
Know God. Know yourself. Know yourself to know your need of God. Know God to know you are not gods
We must know God, not in order to understand our feelings, temperament, and history-again there is a place for all this-but to understand our need for God. For when we see God as he has revealed himself, “What wonderfully impressed us under the name of wisdom will stink in its very foolishness.” It has... Continue Reading
Genesis 9: Honor Authority
The failures of righteous men are a constant and recurring theme throughout Scripture
Do not interpret God’s long-suffering grace with always-suffering grace. The Hamites or Canaanites were shown common grace by God for many centuries. God was long-suffering in judging them. Their day of condemnation did not come until Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and Joshua led them across the Jordan River into the Promised Land. Even... Continue Reading
Why Do Progressives Always Want the Government To Intrude In Their Bedrooms?
“Get the government out of my bedroom!!!!!
This birth control mandate represents, I think, the final step in our national transition from a society based on Natural Rights, to one based on ever-changing Artificial Rights. Our Natural Rights are enshrined in the Bill of Rights, and given to us by God, as a condition of our humanity. Artificial Rights are randomly declared... Continue Reading
Two Deaths
Live as though we are ready to die.
The contrast between these deaths could hardly be more stark. Charles Spurgeon was certainly right when he said that the best way to live is to be always ready to die so that when the day of our death comes we have nothing left to do but die. Shortly after I read the tragic... Continue Reading
Top 50 Articles on The Aquila Report for 2013: 1-10
Article numbers 1-10 of 2013
The Aquila Report posted over 2,900 stories. At the end of each year we feature the top 50 stories that were read. The top story this year had over 20,890 hits. We average 8 new stories each day, with a variety of subjects – all of which we trust are of interest to the readers... Continue Reading
Running To Confessionalism
A church needs something more than a statement of faith that encompasses mere Christianity.
So, in August of 2013 I ran to confessionalism. Specifically my ordination was transferred to the Presbyterian Church in America and I became the Lead Pastor of a PCA congregation. The experience has been like finding an oasis in a desert. It has been like discovering a GPS after meandering blindly through an unknown country.... Continue Reading
An Oh-So-Subtle Twist
In my experience there is one, and precisely one sin we are not allowed to single out.
Herein lies the irony. In the name of not “singling out” homosexual conduct we are, in fact, singling out homosexual conduct. If it is the only sin we treat with these special kid gloves, then we are guilty of treating this sin differently than the others. We are minimizing it in a way we do not minimize any other sin.... Continue Reading