The Fall of the Republic
In eerie and haunting ways, Americans at this very moment are living through a repetition of Rome’s republican decay
At this point, “Kershner’s First Law” (named for the late economist Howard E. Kershner) kicked in: “When a self-governing people confer upon their government the power to take from some and give to others, the process will not stop until the last bone of the last taxpayer is picked bare.” Eventually the central government bailed... Continue Reading
The Science of Sound: Whitefield’s Massive Crowds
Measuring the sizes of George Whitefield’s audiences
The ideal acoustic conditions probably were fragile with any crowd of such a large size, but it seems possible that on certain occasions [Whitefield] may have been able to reach 50,000 people, at least for short periods of time. However, the majority of his large crowds were reported at 20,000 to 30,000, and these were... Continue Reading
The Folly of Men Arming Women in Combat
Allowing women into combat is shameful for the president who allows it.
For thousands of years of military wisdom and noble instincts that reasoning would have been unintelligible. Of course, there are women of valor. But for a male commander-in-chief to say that since they are willing to die in combat, therefore we should arm them for it, is a non-sequitur, and a shame on the president’s... Continue Reading
DNA Discovery Illustrates Creation’s Complexity
New discovery point to intelligent design.
The fact that DNA contains two separate sets of instructions that cannot interfere with each other reveals something greater than just random chance, intelligent design advocates argue. “Usually one thinks of a spy or prisoner of war who can conceal a second message with meaning B in a message with meaning A as showing unusual... Continue Reading
Spurgeon’s Standards for Conversion and Membership
The Prince of Preachers believed in protecting the door of membership to the church.
Spurgeon was adamant that the door to the church be well-guarded, and had a carefully-developed system whereby converts applying for membership were graciously but robustly assessed by elders, himself, and the whole congregation. I hope that I will be able at some point to provide a review of Tom Nettles’ excellent volume, Living for Revealed... Continue Reading
Did God Create the Universe and Then Step out of the Picture?
According to Jesus, the naturalistic view of the world is wrong.
God did not simply create the universe and then step out of the picture. God created all things and continues to sustain them. He didn’t just bring the world into existence, but He continues to preserve it and maintain it. That’s why there is still a world. If God stopped working for one instant, the... Continue Reading
What if Mark Dever were Ted Cruz?
Times covers story of hardly new Calvinism.
But in addition to observing which figures — Piper, Keller, and Driscoll — are responsible for a phenomenon that is hardly new, also noteworthy is the way the national press covers religion. You either have the religion-is-bigoted meme which haunted Phil Robertson’s employers, or you have the Gee-Golly approach of religion is nice, inspirational, and alive.... Continue Reading
The Lord Jesus Is At Work In Asia
Jim Drexler, Covenant College professor, moving to Indonesia to lead the International Teachers College
It is our ambition, by God’s grace, to enroll students from Asian countries including Indonesia, the Philippines, Korea, Cambodia, Thailand, China, Myanmar, and others. Although many majors will eventually be offered, the focus of our campus will be on training teachers for Christian school classrooms, thus being used by God to extend the good news... Continue Reading
Church of England Removes Devil from Christening Service
The Church of England is accused of "dumbing down" the christening service as it introduces a new wording so parents and godparents no longer have to "repent sins" and "reject the devil"
The Rt Rev Stephen Platten, the Bishop of Wakefield, who chairs the commission, said the new wording still implied a requirement for repentance, adding that the place of the devil in the text was “theologically problematic”. However, the Rt Rev Michael Nazir-Ali, the former Bishop of Rochester, warned against the adoption of the new wording,... Continue Reading
Antinomianism: It’s Bigger than You Think
Antinomianism is much more than saying “let us continue in sin that grace may abound.”
The antinomian impulse was one which maintained that good works were not necessary for salvation, that God delights in all Christians in the same way, that God does not see sin in the believer, that the moral law is no longer binding for Christians, that law and gospel are diametrically opposed in every way, that... Continue Reading