The Divided Mind of the Black Church: Theology, Piety and Public Witness
A review of Raphael G. Warnock’s latest book on the Black church.
(Warnock) wants to hold together what he calls “the memory of Jesus” with the “distinctive resonance [that occurs] when the church is one built by slaves and formed, from its beginning, at the center of an oppressed community’s fight for personhood and freedom.” He’s not writing abstractly or without regard for context. He’s attempting to... Continue Reading
Silly Boomers
It’s silly to say, “Our church needs to cater to the younger crowd.” No, you don’t.
But if anything is misunderstood here, it’s not hipsters. It’s the Church. The true Church will keep right on doing what she’s been doing for thousands of years–preaching the Gospel, teaching the faith, administering the Sacraments–whether you try to change things or not. She’ll do her forgiveness thing, and she’ll be good at it. ... Continue Reading
Mom Wars
The battle lines are drawn. Do you know where you stand?
Do you know the scene at the beginning of Terminator when the terminator goes into the biker bar? He’s looking around sizing up people looking for clothes that will fit him. As women, how easily do we size up a new acquaintance? From first glance, we take in hair, make-up or lack there of, clothes,... Continue Reading
Don’t Pray in Circles!
Praying in circles is fast becoming a thing in some Evangelical churches.
Praying in circles is extra-biblical and un-biblical, but it is more than that: it is anti-biblical. It directly violates the principles of prayer. When Jesus teaches us to pray, he teaches us to approach God as a child approaches a father, not marching in circles around him, but simply asking with confidence and humility. To... Continue Reading
Bible Secrets Revealed?: A Response to the New History Channel Series (Part 5)
The latest episode is entitled, “Mysterious Prophecies,” focuses on the prophecies regarding the coming of the Messiah.
In the end, this particular episode of Bible Secrets Revealed is marked by a pretty consistent theme, namely an attempt to find a naturalistic explanation for the Bible’s supernatural claims. OT prophecies, we are told, don’t really predict Christ; they are just texts which are manipulated by early Christians. Promises of eternal life, we are told, cannot really be... Continue Reading
Evolution and the Secular Worldview—The Fury of the Elites on Display
The fact that millions upon millions of Americans do not accept evolution embarrasses the elites of the secular establishment.
What is really on display in this column, and in so much of the mainstream media, is amazement and frustration in the face of the fact that so many Americans still reject evolution. Why is that such an issue? Because evolution is central to the secular project. The secular worldview requires evolution, and the “denialists”... Continue Reading
A Weak Gospel Creates Weak Families
If they have more programs, more laws and even more prayer and Bible but have no Gospel, what has the Church wrought?
The solution to the family crisis is not homeschooling or family-integrated churches. These activities considered in and of themselves are not wrong. But to the extent that these methods are stressed at the expense of the Message of the Gospel, they become a problem. True family integration is not mere physical proximity or only moral... Continue Reading
5 Ways to Pray for Your Pastor in 2014
Contrary to what some might suppose, ministers of the Gospel desperately need the prayers of the saints.
Pastors need the saints’ prayers because they are ever the object of the flaming arrows of the evil one. In addition, the world is eager to run them over at any opportunity. As one of my seminary professors so illustratively put it, “Ministers have a bull’s eye on their back and footprints up their chest.”... Continue Reading
Alone Again?
We are not all alone, though we will sometimes experience emotions of that sort
Our raw emotions were such that we often needed words of encouragement and support, and constant prayers on our behalf. During the worst weeks, we never experienced a single day without receiving a card in the mail, not to mention all of the electronic communication and support. We were never alone, nor could we imagine... Continue Reading
IRD Predicts Top Church News of 2014
Predictions on what religious news stories have potential to make headlines in the coming year
Religious Left groups will target denominations that ordain only male pastors. Not content with women’s ordination in some churches, the Religious Left will target the Southern Baptist Convention, Presbyterian Church in America and others — presumably including Roman Catholicism — for a perceived injustice. Below are Institute on Religion and Democracy’s predictions for what religious news... Continue Reading