Ten Reasons Why “Same-Sex Marriage” Affects Your Marriage: A Reply to My Critics
A response to the issues critics raised in the original article
First, I want to be clear that the authority for my views on marriage and sexuality is Scripture. Although my original article drew from legal, sociological, and rational data, all of it reasoned outward from a point of origination in God’s Word. The following response will manifest that source of divine revelation even more emphatically... Continue Reading
Heaven: Better Than Sex?
A glimpse into the nature of heaven and the world we were truly created for
Jesus wants to introduce you to something that is far more joyful and ecstatic than any marriage or sexual experience. Something to which sex points. In so doing, he redeems sex and marriage by putting them in their proper place. Marriage and sex are temporary blessings that pass away with the old order of things... Continue Reading
Are Greater Things Yet To Come In The Suburbs?
During the past decade or so, one of the most interesting demographic trends in American evangelicalism has been the relocation of its leadership from suburbia to center cities
Urban church plants abound, books with titles like For the City or Why Cities Matter multiply, and conferences get titles like “Urban Mission: How to Flourish Your City with the Gospel.” All of this may be the start of a real demographic shift in the American church. Or it might just be a passing fad.... Continue Reading
Fathers, Let Your Children Hear Your Praises!
If Dad does it, it must be important
I was once asked by a visitor what my church had to offer for his children that other churches did not have. I told him that we did not have many activities for the youth (we did have some), but one thing that our church could offer him was that if he adopted covenant theology,... Continue Reading
How to Preach David and Goliath with Balance: A Case Study of Finding Christ in the Old Testament (Part I)
A helpful return to an emphasis of finding Christ in all of the Scriptures, particularly the Old Testament
I do not have the expertise or the zeal to address the question as a whole. However, I believe that a simple case study can do some good in showing this balanced approach to preaching from the Old Testament. Let us consider the famous story of David and Goliath and different ways we might approach... Continue Reading
PCA Minister Eugene Case Honored on His Retirement as Stated Clerk of Grace Presbytery
Case served as Clerk of the Presbytery for 22 years
Gene was elected Stated Clerk of Grace Presbytery in January 1992 and has continued to serve the Presbytery as Stated Clerk since that time until January 2014, when he declined to be nominated for that office again….during his tenure as Stated Clerk, Grace Presbytery has been blessed by Gene’s labors, leadership, integrity and organizational skills,... Continue Reading
Police Arrest US Street Preacher in Scotland for Calling Homosexuality a Sin
U.S. preacher and former Los Angeles Deputy Sheriff arrested in Scotland for breach of the peace and for using "homophobic" language in the condemnation of sin
Milano explained he began street evangelism eight years ago when he realized “that I love myself more than I love lost people.” He admitted that “I was more concerned about me than where they would spend eternity – I was more concerned about what they thought of me instead of what they think of Christ.”... Continue Reading
To Be Tired of Luther…
The preaching of God's word was the power of the Reformation, not force.
… is to be tired of life. Most of those who know anything about Luther’s life tend to think of his appearance at the Diet of Worms in 1521 as the point at which he was most vulnerable — the isolated reformer surrounded by the massed forces of the Holy Roman Empire and the Catholic... Continue Reading
Finding Sexual Freedom in Augustine’s Confessions
Sex is a gift from God, but not one to be exalted over the Creator.
For Augustine, sex is not evil—it is the gift of a good God. Like all creaturely gifts, sex is intended by God to lead us to him, resulting in the love and praise of his name. However, as Adam’s children, our loves are profoundly disordered. Pleased with God’s gifts, we displease God by loving the... Continue Reading
What’s the Difference between the Ontological and the Economic Trinity?
The difference between the "being" of God and the "roles" of God.
We distinguish among the three persons of the Godhead in terms of what we call the economy of God. It is the Father who sends the Son into the world for our redemption. It is the Son who acquires our redemption for us. It is the Spirit who applies that redemption to us. We do... Continue Reading