Community without Christ?
The atheist church movement has barely been born and already it has split.
Their mission statement declares: “The Sunday Assembly is a godless congregation that celebrate life. Our motto: live better, help often, wonder more. Our mission: to help everyone find and fulfill their full potential. Our vision: a godless congregation in every town, city and village that wants one.” Live better, help often, wonder more? They have... Continue Reading
If President Obama Were Honest About Abortion…
If we could rewrite the President’s statement without the cover of euphemism, it would look quite different.
As thousands of citizens march on the nation’s capital to support life, President Obama issues a statement reaffirming the culture of death. As usual, his remarks are cloaked under the cover of abortion rights euphemisms (e.g., “choices,” “safe, affordable healthcare,” “right to privacy”). It takes the breath away to consider what he is actually saying—that he... Continue Reading
The Imago Dei Campaign: Evangelical Groups Say Gays Made in God’s Image
Every human is made in God’s image may seem like an easy statement for evangelicals to agree on, but the contemporary political implications are deep
The inclusion of the “straight and gay” clause is particularly bold given the heated political climate over gay marriage in the evangelical community, and that is precisely the point. Rodriguez, Daly and others hope that the Imago Dei message sets a new tone for evangelical conversations about controversial political topics. “We have broken this down... Continue Reading
7 Crippling Parenting Behaviors That Keep Children From Growing Into Leaders
Parents are failing our children today — coddling and crippling them — and keeping them from becoming leaders they are destined to be
How can parents move away from these negative behaviors (without having to hire a family therapist to help)? “It’s important for parents to become exceedingly self-aware of their words and actions when interacting with their children, or with others when their children are nearby. Care enough to train them, not merely treat them to a... Continue Reading
How to Preach David and Goliath with balance: a case study of finding Christ in the Old Testament (Part 2)
A helpful return to an emphasis of finding Christ in all of the Scriptures, particularly the Old Testament
Following David in this, as well as all the examples he sets for us is neither to embrace moralism nor legalism, but an effort to grow in our faith – to look to God to save us and work through even as David did. Insofar as David demonstrates the spirit of Christ, he sets an... Continue Reading
Sex, Intimacy, Pornography and Heaven
A way of combating any struggle with a misuse of sex can be found in a deep understanding of the nature of heaven
Sex within the context of marriage is pointing to a greater reality in heaven. Knowing and being known. Intimacy. We long for it but we are also a bit afraid of it because we know, this side of heaven, we may be hurt. This is a primary reason many indulge in pornography. Pornography provides sexual... Continue Reading
13 Differences Between the PCA and the PCUSA
Differences between two major Presbyterian denominations
There used to be significant theological differences between the PCA’s and PCUSA’s theology of worship. These difference still exist on paper even though they no longer exist in practice. The PCA confesses that all of our worship should be directed only by the Bible, while the PCUSA states that worship should be an amalgam of... Continue Reading
21 Reasons Why You Don’t Want to Be A Seminary Professor
Being a seminary professor is not as glamorous as many think
Like everything else, you need a divine calling to do it, persevere in it, and get joy in it. But you don’t see a lot of immediate fruit in lecturing. You do it in faith, believing that some years down the line a student will remember and use what you taught them and use it... Continue Reading
What Is the Prosperity Gospel?
The prosperity gospel error is the idea that faithfulness to God necessarily results in material prosperity
Instead of faith being the rational trust in the proclaimed Word of God in accord with available evidence, the faith of prosperity gospel adherents is positive thinking and expectation of God’s material blessing. Positive thinking, called faith, necessarily results in material blessings if it is sincere. This is the simple law of faith according to... Continue Reading
Caveat Lector With Popular Faith Writers
Caveat emptor warns, “Let the buyer beware;” caveat lector warns, "Let the reader beware"
No matter what you’re reading, wherever you find it, skepticism is not your enemy. Parse the words you read. Read for comprehension, not stylistic aesthetics. Don’t take anybody’s name, title, or education at face value. Especially not mine. If you think I’m wrong about any of this, please let me know. I’m not going... Continue Reading