Women Reject Abortion at Highest Rate Since 1973
Between 2008 and 2011, the abortion rate fell 13 percent
National Right to Life President Carol Tobias said in a statement the report “shows the long-term efforts of the right-to-life movement to educate the country about the humanity of the unborn child,” but ignores the impact public debate has had on this downward trend. “The more Americans learn about the development of the unborn child and the... Continue Reading
Telling The Truth To A Skeptical Millennial Village
They are capable of learning but are we willing to risk their disapproval by telling them the truth?
The truth is that everything we need to know about salvation and the Christian life is in God’s Holy Word and the church catholic has been reading that Word together for two millennia. It isn’t all about “control, authority, and power.” It’s about truth, what is and that truth, God’s truth, can be known in... Continue Reading
Queen Latifah’s Grammy Mass Wedding
Entertainers now do it all: politics, ethics, confession, marriages, cure of souls.
Pop music used to be about superficial fun, a bit of escapism in the midst of life. Then it gained messianic aspirations. At the time, it looked ridiculously self-important. It is still superficial fun; but perhaps it does not look quite so ridiculous any more. At the Grammys last night Queen Latifah officiated a mass... Continue Reading
Good In Church
Seek my child, Lord. Not simply to be good in church. But to be a true worshiper of You, which is far better.
Good in church is always easier on me (and those in the nearby pews.) It saves me embarrassment, and keeps my hair and makeup intact. But good in church is not what I’m hoping for. I can wrestle my child into quiet and still. I cannot wrestle him into fellowship with the Triune God. For... Continue Reading
How Many Motivations Are There for Godliness?
I see at least twenty. In the three chapters of 2 Peter alone.
Is there just one proper gospel-centered rationale for holiness? Should we, in speaking about sanctification, avoid threats and warnings and coming judgment and focus simply on our acceptance in Christ? How many motivations does the Bible have for godliness? I see at least twenty. In the three chapters of 2 Peter alone. 1. We pursue holiness... Continue Reading
Exhaustion: We Have Settled For A Sub-Human Life
“Taking Back Sunday” to celebrate, rest, enjoy God, enjoy one another, and unplug
We have lost the fundamentals of our faith. Many of us were wooed by the Holy Spirit through Jesus’ promise found in Matthew 11. Jesus says, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Yet instead of finding rest, most of us have found long to-do lists,... Continue Reading
From Gay to Joyous
Author Christopher Yuan journeyed out of a pit into the arms of God
Given the same-sex marriage juggernaut’s political and judicial success last year, we can expect on Valentine’s Day this year to hear early and often how great it is to be gay. Christopher Yuan, who was a homosexual and a drug dealer, has a different story that led to two sentences: prison and HIV positive status.... Continue Reading
Scriptural authority, gift of salvation ‘inextricable,’ Mohler says
Mohler preaches that scriptural authority and salvation go hand-in-hand.
Mohler said the inerrancy of Scripture is inseparable from the gift of salvation, and to believe otherwise is dangerous because without the first, the second is impossible. “Scriptural authority and the gift of salvation are inextricable,” Mohler said. “We cannot have one without the other. We cannot be a gospel people without also being a Bible... Continue Reading
Systematic Theology: An Introduction
A review of John Frame's Systematic Theology
No one can ever accuse Frame of not loving his Bible, and making it pre-eminent in his theological discourse. For that I am grateful. No wonder his writings have been hugely beneficial to the Reformed, evangelical world. This work has, as its crown jewel, much of Frame’s thought in one volume. John Frame. Systematic Theology:... Continue Reading
Who Selected Elders?
The Scripture neither affirms nor denies congregational election of officers.
Not uncommonly, proponents of Plymouth Brethren ecclesiology will utter (sometimes with significant emotion), “The Bible nowhere shows sheep electing their shepherd!” What they mean is that Scripture does not depict congregations selecting elders. This seems like a meaningful and even persuasive statement until one realizes that the Bible never depicts any actual mechanism whatever by... Continue Reading