The Most Damaging Attitude in Our Churches
The need to repent from the destructive power of cynicism.
Subtly, without even realizing it, we had become cynics. And the toxic effect could be felt in our marriage, our relationships and our ability to communicate Christ’s love for the world. It was an attitude I learned in Church, and I used to believe it was a strength. I thought I was simply a... Continue Reading
How Eternity Changes Everything in Our Restlessness
An admonition against living in the past or for simply the hear and now.
“Have I settled for now at my job?” Are all my eggs (self-worth, happiness, feelings of success) in the “now” basket? When we forget the future, we may begin to compete in an unhealthy way with co-workers, forgetting that our worth isn’t at stake in how well we succeed on the job. If work goes... Continue Reading
Will Christianity Survive in Iraq?
The number of Christians in Iraq had decreased substantially in the last decade.
A report in the U.K. Telegraph says that a decade after the U.S. government overthrew Saddam Hussein’s secular regime, the Christian population has dropped from over a million to as little as 200,000. Some church buildings in Iraq were built as far back as the ninth century. Even though many of these structures have survived, they... Continue Reading
Completely Impossible
When complete satisfaction is expected, disappointment is inevitable.
Doesn’t it seem that when a pitcher thinks about how he looks as he’s throwing the ball, and demands applause after each curve ball, he’s on the way to the minors? Could one of the reasons for problems from divorce to politics to decreased church attendance be that we demand complete satisfaction? On these... Continue Reading
My Name Is Todd And Arminians Have Been Mean To Me
I wonder what is behind the "Calvinists are meanies" posts to which we are treated routinely
Certainly I am not the only one concerned by these conversations. Have we become this soft? I am trying to imagine previous generations of Christians complaining about their feelings being hurt. I am not trying to be glib, nor am I seeking to mock anyone. But I am genuinely concerned about the softening of our... Continue Reading
10 Reasons Why Ministry is Not For the Faint of Heart
Pastoral ministry is a calling, not a career
The blessings of ministry far outweigh the realities below; however, ministry is definitely not easy. Don’t waste your time and money going to seminary or college for pastoral training if you are not prepared for the negative aspects of ministry mentioned below. Furthermore, always remember that God has called you to love His church, not merely His mature church, but His immature church as... Continue Reading
The Most Encouraging Book On HELL Ever
Thor Ramsey’s mission is to convince the reader that hell glorifies God
While very evangelistic, the book is also a polemic of sorts against the shift in evangelical thinking on hell. He confronts the books that have been written to suggest hell doesn’t exist, the prosperity pastors who promote a “non-judgmental Santa-god,” as well as those who may just be too embarrassed to bring up the whole... Continue Reading
Growing From a Maximus to a Lawrence
Life hasn't been the way I thought it would be when I was a fresh-faced High School graduate. It's a beautiful and painful world we live in.
Soon after, I watched Ben-Hur (the one with Charleton Heston) and basically expected to see Gladiator again. I was shocked by how liberally Gladiator borrowed from Ben-Hur, and so I thought I could predict the film’s formulaic ending, but was again disturbed when I realized this was a film that dwelt on the brokenness of its protagonist and dissatisfaction with the revenge that... Continue Reading
Hindu Extremists Targeting Indian Christians
An estimated 4,000 Christians in India were targeted in acts of violence in 2013.
The U.K.-based publication Christian Today quotes research as saying attacks on Christians have increased in the last twenty years because local Christian mission groups have been helping the poor people – Dalits and Tribals – with social needs. The research shows these groups have been empowered by Christians through the gospel, education and social support, and have... Continue Reading
Do You Feel Tension in the Christian Life?
As Christians, we are caught in the in-between.
These tensions are real. However, this isn’t because Christianity is schizophrenic. These are good and necessary tensions; and they shouldn’t lead to discouragement, despair, hopelessness, or depression. If you are experiencing these tensions of the Christian life, there is a reason: you are a pilgrim on the way. In fact, you are only a sojourner... Continue Reading