Church Votes to Sell Michigan Camp to Pay $7.9M Debt
Presbyterian campground will close after Chicago church officials voted to sell the grounds on the eastern shore of Lake Michigan
Church officials said the land sale was necessary to get in good financial standing and continue the church’s mission. “No one wants to lose this property or the ministry for youth and families that has been continuing all these years,” said the Rev. Bob Reynolds, head of the Chicago Presbytery, after the vote. “We are... Continue Reading
The Story That Writes Itself
Michael Sam, a football standout at Mizzou and future NFL draft pick, came out of the closet over the weekend.
Whenever the “first gay athlete” story breaks it becomes an excuse to strengthen a dozen prejudices in the interest of purportedly breaking through another. The narrative is nice and tidy because it’s already been written. Rinse, blather, repeat. All that’s left is for 72 hours of self-congratulatory punditry and the presumption that no thinking person... Continue Reading
Antinomianism: Reformed Theology’s Unwelcome Guest?
You Just Might Be an Antinomian If ...
To be sure, our works contribute nothing to our justification, but the presence of the Holy Spirit is real and his enabling, compelling power is real. Good works of believers are really good – not because of the inherent goodness of man, but because of the power of the God. Grace is astounding not just because God... Continue Reading
Considering the New Calvinism
A review of Jeremy Walker’s new book The New Calvinism Considered: A Personal and Pastoral Assessment
With the commendations in place, he dedicates chapter 4 to a series of cautions and concerns. He warns of: the pragmatism and commercialism that may lie at the root of this movement; an unbalanced view of culture that allows people to Christianize what ought to be rejected outright; a troubling approach to holiness displayed in... Continue Reading
Methodists in Crisis Over Gay Marriage, Church Law
Gay marriage supporters continue to advocate for a change in the Methodist Church's stance
Frustration over the lack of change fueled the new movement to openly defy church law, starting in 2011 in Minnesota and New York. Methodist ministers had already been quietly officiating at same-gender ceremonies in some communities for years. A few of the more publicly defiant clergy had faced formal complaints or had been tried by... Continue Reading
There Are No Atheists, Only Rebels
If Paul was right in Romans 1, then you’ve never met an atheist
“Among the other implications of this text, what does it mean for evangelism? Simply put, it means that the first hurdle, the hurdle of “proving God’s existence” has been cleared. We don’t have to convince anyone of what they already know to be true; we need to help them stop suppressing it. This is not... Continue Reading
In Christ, Our Suffering Is Not in Vain
The believer's suffering is part of God's plan in His call on our lives to be witnesses to the Suffering Servant of God.
Paul rejoiced that his suffering was a benefit to the church. The church is called to imitate Christ. It is called to walk the Via Dolorosa. Paul’s favorite metaphor for the church was the image of the human body. The church is called the body of Christ. In one sense, it is proper to call the... Continue Reading
But There Is A Problem….
Leaving room no room to lament is a distortion of true Calvinism.
Calvinism, true Calvinism, is not to blame; but sadly there are Calvinists who are less innocent, who do reduce the problem of evil and suffering to tweetable soundbites which inevitably lack the complexity of the Biblical teaching, who do ignore the whole counsel of God in their teaching and preaching and choice of praise songs. And I... Continue Reading
John Newton headed to Broadway?
New musical based on hymn-writers life.
Amazing perseverance! Variety reported Tuesday that a new musical, Amazing Grace, will have its world premiere this October, presented by Broadway in Chicago at the Bank of America Theatre in the Windy City. Variety said the musical “has all the earmarks of a show with New York in its sights.” Read More.
Why I Am a Cessationist
A look at the sign gifts and their end with the closing of the canon.
But the idea that NT prophets could make mistakes isn’t persuasive for several reasons. 1.) The burden of proof is on those who say prophecy in the NT is of a different nature than prophecy in the OT. Prophets in the OT were only considered prophets of God if they were infallible (Deut. 18:15-22), and... Continue Reading