The Puritan’s View of Sex in Marriage
In Joel R. Beeke’s Living for God’s Glory: An Introduction to Calvinism, a chapter is dedicated to marriage, discussing the Puritan’s view
Puritan preachers taught that the Roman Catholic view was unbiblical, even satanic. They cited Paul, who said that the prohibition of marriage is a doctrine of devils (1 Tim. 4:1–3). Even the Puritan definitions of marriage implied the conjugal act. For example, Perkins defines marriage as “the lawful conjunction of the two married persons; that... Continue Reading
Do We Really Want A New Reformation?
What we need is another rebellion against the cult of the experts
In the 17th century there was a great assembly of highly educated men. They met in the Jerusalem chamber of the Westminster Abbey in London to set down in words the attainments of the Reformation. And they agreed with the common people—the Bible really does say that the work of creation was God’s making “all... Continue Reading
Chess and Trying to Out Think God
Anticipating what God may do in my life; then looking ahead to what may go wrong and trying to plan how to respond
Chess is a fun game to play. But God is not my opponent. Fearing what potential struggles might lie ahead in my life and planning ways to avoid them is about me taking control of my life instead of living by faith. Whatever lies in the future, I know that God will provide me strength.... Continue Reading
Women Ministering in the Tent
Jesus and his Apostles realized the important role women should play in serving the people of God
Let us worship more like Adam, Moses, Jesus and Paul. May we be strong men who lead with integrity. May we play the role of father, husband, elder and deacon well. But may we also be strong men who are wise men. May we surround ourselves with godly, strong feminine leaders. For according to Scripture,... Continue Reading
ECO Forms New Presbyteries
A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians (ECO) is in the process of transitioning its number of presbyteries from two to nine
With the membership of ECO surpassing 100 congregations at the turn of the year, the time was right to form additional presbyteries. “Growth of the denomination made this move necessary,” said Allin, who indicated that ECO’s polity allows the Synod Executive Council to authorize the formation of and give final approval of the new presbyteries... Continue Reading
Belhaven University, Jackson, Miss., Hosts Joni Eareckson Tada
Tada, the Founder and CEO of Joni and Friends International Disability Center, is an international advocate for people with disabilities
“Joni has been a friend for 25 years through our shared work with the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization,” said Belhaven University President Roger Parrott. “She has always had a deep connection with the University. I couldn’t be more thrilled that she will be on campus for this special evening. Joni is a one-of-a- kind... Continue Reading
Blews sues CCCU for $2.2 million
Christian higher education group caught in legal battle over former president’s dismissal
The suit claims Blews “has not engaged in any conduct or behavior that would trigger any of the provisions” outlined in the contract and was given “no reasonable opportunity to defend himself.” Blews wants the CCCU to pay him the full $2,204,894.72 owed over the life of the contract. The complaint accuses the organization of... Continue Reading
The Other Shoe Drops in Kentucky: Federal Court Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage in the Commonwealth
U. S. District Judge John G. Heyburn declared that Kentucky’s ban on recognizing same-sex marriages performed in other states violates the equal protection clause of the U. S. Constitution
We now know that the government cannot be counted on to affirm this message. As a matter of fact, we have to face the reality that the government — even in the Commonwealth of Kentucky — may teach a radically different message through its laws. But the real question for Christians is not whether the... Continue Reading
Why “Vicar of Baghdad” is 21st Century Hero
Reverend Canon Andrew White is an Anglican priest from Great Britain who is affectionately known as the “Vicar of Baghdad”
Meanwhile, Canon White persists in alerting the West to Iraq’s diminishing Christian presence. In doing so, he embodies the remaining believers’ vulnerability and teaches us to weep with those who weep. Such is the vocation of the indomitable Vicar of Baghdad. Praying for him will strengthen his hands and honor his faithfulness. News in... Continue Reading
The Bible Has Disappeared From Our Children’s Lives
Almost a third of children do not know their Adam from their Noah or that David slew Goliah
The extraordinary, subversive book, with its lessons on charity, compassion and respect for others inspired generations to rebel against tyrannies of all kinds – dictators, addictions, vices. Men and women dedicated their lives to its teachings – and were ready to die for it. But today it seems that a host of martyrs lost their... Continue Reading