Just Saying No to Eros
How saying no to Cupid can be the key to our love life
Often when a reasonable assessment of the situation demands that Cupid be set aside, a real struggle against one’s own emotions is required. A particular challenge here is in the fact that romantic emotions are experienced as coming from our core. It seems that to say ‘no’ to them would be inauthentic, and that it... Continue Reading
PCUSA GA Overture Calls for Church Councils to Be Obedient to Scripture
Overture: change the denomination’s constitution to require church councils to be “obedient to Scripture and guided by the confessions
The reason behind the overture is that the current paragraph in the Book of Order “implies that Scripture is merely equal to the confessions and has no binding authority in the life of an ordained person or in a council of the church. The new language clearly recognizes the authority of Scripture and conforms to the language... Continue Reading
Pastor ‘PECO’
The ice storm’s impact served as a parable of power
As PECO sent crews to repair the various disconnects of the power flow, so God gives pastors the responsibility to build, maintain, inspect and repair the power grid for the vitality and effectiveness of His house of prayer. There is no more significant shepherding goal than making sure our people are well connected to Christ.... Continue Reading
What Must A Christian Believe?
The gospel demands more than just minimal understanding.
Modern evangelical answers to this question have focused on Christ to the exclusion of these other doctrines but in Reformed theology they’re all connected. Our doctrine of God is intimately connected to our understanding of man, salvation, church, and worship. The Reformed faith, however, is biblical and catholic, i.e., we believe what the Scriptures teach... Continue Reading
No Blessings, No Same-sex Marriages for Clergy
Bishops keep the door shut as Act comes into force.
The statement ends with a warning that, although “the C of E has a long tradition of tolerating conscientious dissent and of seeking to avoid drawing lines too firmly”, the Bishops expected their clergy to honour the vow of obedience made at ordination. AS THE first same-sex marriages loom, the C of E House... Continue Reading
Bigger Than Phil
When did faith start to fade?
The most generous poll never seems to find more than thirty per cent of Americans saying they are “not religious or not very religious,” though the numbers get up to around fifty per cent in Europe. But something has altered in the course of a century or so. John Stuart Mill said in the early... Continue Reading
What Does True Forgiveness Look Like?
Truly forgiving means not holding someone's sin against them.
There are multitudes of sins that could cause the church to become involved seeking your repentance. But only if you persist in impenitence can it lead actually to being cut off from the body of Christ In this excerpt from his teaching series The Parables of Jesus, R.C. Sproul reminds us what true forgiveness looks like. Transcript This begins (Matthew 18:15-22)... Continue Reading
Seeds of Faith
Missionary efforts took root and blossomed into legacy of faith within Korean family
Susan, who recently celebrated her 100th birthday, is the original second-generation Korean-American. She’s the first daughter and third of five children born to Dosan and Helen Ahn, who in 1902 became the first married Korean couple to enter the United States. Their Korean passports numbered 51 and 52. With her gold-rimmed glasses, broad cheekbones,... Continue Reading
The Christian Leader in the Digital Age
Despite the technological advances made in the last 30 years, the gospel imperative remains the same.
Leaders who talk about the real world as opposed to the digital world are making a mistake, a category error. While we are right to prioritize real face-to-face conversations and to find comfort and grounding in stable authorities like the printed book, the digital world is itself a real world, just real in a different way. The Digital Age is... Continue Reading
Article 5: On the Appetites
A series to further explain the articles of “A Conservative Christian Declaration.”
Most people desire immediate pleasure over delayed gratification, lower arts over the fine arts, and self-indulgence over self-control. For instance, our very makeup as humans demands that we naturally desire leisurely entertainment over sermons that require thought and argument. This is a series to further explain the articles of “A Conservative Christian Declaration.” We... Continue Reading