Book Review: From Heaven He Came and Sought Her
A study of definite atonement in historical, biblical, theological, and pastoral perspective
Part I is geared towards addressing historical concern in relation to definite atonement (DA). In Part II nearly 200 pages are devoted to addressing DA in regard to specific Scriptures. Part III is intended to deal with the systematic issues related to DA. Finally, Part IV of the book deals more closely with DA from... Continue Reading
Furtick’s Sad Confusion on “I AM”
Referring “I AM” to man not to God
After quoting the third commandment (prohibiting taking God’s name in vain), he argues that because we have identified ourselves with Christ, that to say “I am” and to be insecure and to doubt ourselves is a violation of the third commandment. Let me repeat, he is claiming that by doubting ourselves, we are violating a commandment against... Continue Reading
Chapel Services Test Gordon College’s Values
Diverse worship styles at school spur friction, dialogue on cultural divide
Campus wide conversations on race, culture, and privilege ensued. And now, with the passage of time, students seem to have become acclimated to the new style of worship. A new student survey indicates opposition has dwindled to negligible levels. “How can I explain the mood on campus? It’s better than last semester. Last semester, it... Continue Reading
Did Jesus Really Say?
A review of ‘Jesus Calling’
God is a speaking God to be sure. He has spoken and continues to speak to his people. In past days of redemptive history God spoke in various ways through the prophets and apostles. But the canon is now closed. We live in that privileged age of redemptive history where we possess God’s completed and inscripturated... Continue Reading
Ukraine Names Baptist Pastor as Acting President
Oleksandr Turchynov, a well-known Baptist pastor and top opposition politician in Ukraine, took office on Sunday, Feb. 23, as acting president
He is well-known as a preacher who, despite his political opposition work, preaches on a regular basis at one of the Baptist churches in Kiev, even though security must travel with him. Overall, the evangelical church is excited about Turchynov’s sudden unanimous appointment as acting president. Within the evangelical community, the post-Soviet mindset exists that... Continue Reading
Founder of World’s Largest Megachurch Convicted of Embezzling $12 Million
South Korean pastor David Yonggi Cho bought stock from son, evaded taxes.
Church administrators warned David Cho against purchasing the stock at an inflated price, but the pastor said he had to help his son out of a tight spot, according to Cho Hee-jun’s arraignment document. Cho was also convicted of evading 3.5 billion won (US$3.2 million) in taxes, according to Yonhap News Agency. Church elders have... Continue Reading
Young, Restless, No Longer Reformed
A review of Austin Fischer's book on why he's no longer Reformed
Austin has a different approach to biblical authority, a different place for substitutionary atonement, a different understanding of the freedom of the will, a different take on epistemology, a different level of confidence in whether God knows all things, and a whole different set of authors he looks to for theological guidance. These are not... Continue Reading
Take Me to Church
Love can't be separated from truth, and God's people are set apart by that truth.
It’s disturbing how many articles and interviews I have seen just this week by professing Christian pastors and writers that are singing the message, “Love is god.” Even more disturbing are the droves of followers singing along. There’s this sense that doctrine divides and love unites. And as much as we may be hearing about... Continue Reading
Your Husband Doesn’t Have To Earn Your Respect
Disrespect for men is a joke to us now.
A wife ought to respect her husband because he is her husband, just as he ought to love and honor her because she is his wife. Your husband might “deserve” it when you mock him, berate him, belittle him, and nag him, but you don’t marry someone in order to give them what they deserve.... Continue Reading
The Secret Will of God
Christians confuse God's secret will with his revealed will.
The Bible is profitable for correcting – it gives us the steps of change we need to follow where God wants us to be. And the Bible is useful for training – it tells us all the skills we need to acquire to live life God’s way. God has revealed many things to us through... Continue Reading