Review: Finding Faithful Elders and Deacons
Review: Finding Faithful Elders and Deacons
I greatly appreciated was that Anyabwile did not just focus on the qualifications of elders or pastors (part 2 of the book), but also dedicated the entire third section of the book to the work that they are called to do. Again, this section would be good for pastor/elder and laity alike. We often have... Continue Reading
Pastors Conference Sponsored by P&R and the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, May 5–7, 2014
The conference will be held on May 5–7, 2014 at Harvey Cedars Bible Conference, Harvey Cedars, N.J.
Many men leave seminary exuberant and ready to follow God’s calling, only to discover that the road ahead of them isn’t as smooth as they thought it would be. The conference theme, The Faithful Shepherd: Persevering in Your Church and Ministry, will address a few of the important issues that inevitably arise in church ministry.... Continue Reading
PCA Minister’s Son, Zachary Draughon, 25, Dies Unexpectedly
Zachary Draughon passed away, Saturday, March 1, 2014
Randy and Renee Draughon’s son, Zach, suddenly and unexpectedly went home to be with the Lord yesterday morning. They both loved their son with a fierce love and want you to know that they are deeply grieving. They don’t grieve without hope and they want to thank you for grieving with them. A note... Continue Reading
Jesus, Friend of Sinners: But How?
Jesus gladly spent time with sinners who were open to his teaching, He forgave repentant sinners, and He embraced sinners who believed in him.
It is all too easy, and amazingly common, for Christians (or non-Christians) to take the general truth that Jesus was a friend of sinners and twist it all out of biblical recognition. So “Jesus ate with sinners” becomes “Jesus loved a good party,” which becomes “Jesus was more interested in showing love than taking sides,”... Continue Reading
Validated by Persecution: The Irrational Targeting of Evangelical Christians
Why are Christians being singled out?
Unfortunately this type of governmental coercion is out of sync with a democratic society that at least purports to value freedom of religion. These counter examples also reveal how unlikely it is that similar levels of persecution will be experienced by Jews and Muslims. In fact, there is currently a case in Toronto were a... Continue Reading
The Culture of Death Bares its Teeth
Planned Parenthood Leader Says Life Begins at Delivery
“For me, I’m the mother of three children. For me, life began when I delivered them. They’ve been probably the most important thing in my life ever since. But that was my own personal decision.” So life begins at delivery. Until then, no life, no dignity, no sanctity at all. Cecile Richards is no... Continue Reading
DHS Allows German Home-Schooling Family To Stay In US
The Romeike family facing deportation following the Supreme Court’s refusal to hear their appeal is being allowed to stay in the U.S.
That means the Romeike family, who claim the German government is persecuting them because they want to raise their children in accordance with their Christian beliefs, can stay in the United States without the threat of being forced return to their home country, the family’s legal team told Fox News. A German home-schooling... Continue Reading
Advice to Women: Marry an Evangelist
Has scriptural instruction become merely optional in our marriages?
And the question women should ask about prospective husbands is not, Does he feel equipped or gifted to teach? It’s not, Are his public prayers eloquent? It’s especially not: Does he know lots of theological terms? Instead, we should ask, Is this man so compelled by Christ that he cannot keep silent among the people he loves? Shortly after I... Continue Reading
The Church That Is The “Right” Fit, Might Not Seem Like A “Good” Fit
Looking for a "good fit" can sometimes be code for "I'm looking for a church with enough programs and amenities to fill all the holes in my family's social life."
Doctrine is important, many agree, but amenities (particularly social ones) can be the biggest draw. You’d be astounded how many folks knowingly disagree with their church’s doctrines, yet stay on, because of the music, the fellowship, the programs etc. People willingly subjugate truth to other things, because the other things convince them that the church... Continue Reading
Battered Pastors
When you are a pastor and your detractors are biting at your heels and designing your downfall the loneliness is excruciating.
I am writing this and, Lord willing, future posts to encourage battered pastors. I hope to offer them some comfort in knowing that they have not lost their minds. Others have walked their road. I also hope that these posts will assist churches, particularly elders, to watch for signs that their pastor is being battered... Continue Reading