One New Man in Place of Two
In Christ, there is only one kind of people.
The Jews had typically thought of themselves as strangers and aliens when it comes to the world—they were separated from the nations, sometimes exiled among them, and strange because of their strict monotheism and repudiation of paganism. The gentiles, while they were at home in the world, were at the receiving end of an implicit... Continue Reading
Against Overture 15 Before the PCA General Assembly: To Say “Biological Men” is Caving to the Culture
Overture 15 has to do with the madness called transgenderism. The PCA General Assembly should answer this overture in the negative.
It’s been said many times, he who controls the language controls the culture. For believers in Jesus Christ to use the term “biological men” amounts to a surrender to the culture’s mistaken notion that there exists the possibility of a man/male other than one who is identifiable biologically as a man/male. If we know there... Continue Reading
The Garments and Consecration of the Priests: Exodus 27:20–29:46
Taste and see the goodness of our great high priest who ever lives to plead for us.
The author of Hebrews labors throughout his sermon to show that Jesus is the great and perfect high priest of our faith. Through becoming flesh and tabernacling among us, Jesus was tempted in every way that we are yet never yielded to sin. Thus, while we can rejoice that He is able to sympathize with... Continue Reading
The Presbyterian Church Calendar
Presbyterians enjoy a rich and full worship life as we gather every Lord’s Day to declare that Christ has come, Christ has risen, and Christ will come again!
We do not celebrate church “seasons” is they often ask us to think of the Christian life as something we “do” instead of what Christ has done. Further, they cause us to think as if Christ has not already done anything. Roland Barnes, longtime Pastor of Trinity Presbyterian in Statesboro, GA, said the liturgical calendar... Continue Reading
The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy: Article I
Through the ages, the unwavering commitment to the authority of Scripture has been a foundation for the identity, mission, and purity of the Church across generations.
While Article I of the Chicago Statement rejects that the church, tradition, or otherwise holds equal or greater authority than Scripture, it’s helpful to note that neither does it affirm a view of “solo Scriptura” e.g. no authority but the Bible. Even as the authoritative source of doctrine and practice, Scripture has ordained secondary means... Continue Reading
Pastors Can Lead Well by Preaching Well
Review: ‘The Pastor as Leader’ by John Currie and ‘Expositional Leadership’ by R. Scott Pace and Jim Shaddix
Pastoral leadership from the pulpit is critical. Most often, we find books on leadership and books on preaching, but rarely do we find volumes that argue for the interconnectedness of the two. Currie, Pace, and Shaddix make the connection admirably. Pace and Shaddix address this interconnectedness more succinctly and practically, while Currie’s work is more robust... Continue Reading
Taking His Name in Vain
The more we abide in Christ, the more our speech and actions will bear the mark of profound reverence.
To flippantly defile the holy name as a vulgar utterance manifests a wicked, hardened heart, with complete irreverence for the Almighty. It is an abomination. But the scope of this sin reaches far beyond just foul and debased language. Any time we invoke God’s name rashly, thoughtlessly, or irreverently, we take it in vain. This includes... Continue Reading
The Canons of Dort
We need to return to a robust God-centered theology.
Today many of us know the work of the Synod as the Canons of Dort under the acrostic “TULIP.” Total depravity; Unconditional election; Limited atonement; Irresistible grace; and Perseverance of the saints. If you have not read the Canons, they are worth working through. The Canons of Dort were approved at the Synod of... Continue Reading
Theology of Immigration
The debate overImmigration will continue among American Christians, and it should. But it will bear fruit in actionable policy only if conducted with a grateful acceptance of the homeland God has given us to steward.
Hospitality must be carefully measured out, lest the family or nation dissolve under the burden of too many guests, and those welcomed become dependent in a way that corrupts their characters. Why is the conclusion that we may (and perhaps must, given judgments of prudence) limit immigration so hard to voice in polite company? Why,... Continue Reading
The Reconsecration of Man
The road to consecration begins with the cultivation of a humble attitude of thankfulness for the gospel and for those who show forth that gospel in their own lives.
Can any other creature on the face of the planet be grateful? When I express gratitude to God, I acknowledge my personal dependency upon him, I also act as a person myself, and I am inclined to acknowledge his image as found in those around me. Gratitude is both profoundly theological and personally transformative. It... Continue Reading
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