Beware of Relational Heresy While Addressing Perceived Doctrinal Heresy
We can’t claim to be wise counselors if our behavior is that of a fool—a person who is quick to quarrel.
What is the root cause of quarrelsomeness? Pride. Proverbs 13:10: “Where there is strife, there is pride, but wisdom is found in those who take advice.” Humble engagement listens in love and assumes the best, honestly seeking to understand the other and humbly learn from the other person. Pride, on the other hand, acts as if I... Continue Reading
Why We Shouldn’t Just ‘Do Something’
The cry to act for its own sake isn’t helpful in troubling times.
Until now, mass shootings at schools and elsewhere have largely been perpetuated by alienated, often fatherless, young men espousing either hateful extremism or nihilistic meaninglessness. Monday’s shooter, according to her own words, was broken by a broken family and captivated by a meaninglessness that led her to hate people and herself. That’s not a problem... Continue Reading
Learning from Our Christian Past
Book Review: Christianity is rooted in history which we need to be aware of.
Wisdom from the Ancients: 30 Forgotten Lessons from the Early Church by Bryan M. Litfin (Harvest House, 2022). Consider also Chapter 6 which reminds us that Christians have always been misfits. The early believers knew that they were strangers in a strange land. While they always sought to have a positive impact on the world around them,... Continue Reading
12 Fresh Ways to Read Your Bible in 2025
A few ideas that may be worth considering.
Ligonier Ministry’s Tabletalk magazine has long offered daily Bible studies that combine with a Bible-reading plan and other thematic articles. You may enjoy exploring the various reading plans that come with an ESV subscription (which is priced very reasonably for what you get). Some will take you through the Bible in a year while others will focus... Continue Reading
The Mystery of the Kingdom
Freely given to us.
For we are also executors of the Kingdom and of the joy God wants all people to know. Here there is work to do. The instructions for us as executors are simple: Plant this seed, water and fertilize it, protect and care for it, so that it will bear the fruit promised on the package.... Continue Reading
Peel Back the Chocolate Santa Wrapping and What Do You Get? The Easter Bunny!
Peel back Christmas and you get Easter
It’s true. The Christmas message, when it’s unwrapped, gives you Easter. The birth of Jesus is barrelling headlong towards his death. In fact that’s the point of the gospel story. It’s even hinted at – more than hinted at – in the immediate post-birth narrative of Luke’s Gospel. There’s been a great set of... Continue Reading
Good News For Sale: Should We Market the Gospel?
Godly marketing is diligent to keep God as the main character in the story.
Here’s the thing: everything is marketing. It’s not just your emails, website, and social media. It’s the atmosphere of the room, the friendliness of the people, the honesty of the message, how safe everyone feels, and so much more. Marketing is only good marketing when the story being told is true. But telling a true story in a way... Continue Reading
The Father’s Role in the Incarnation
Spurgeon helps us understand God the Father’s sovereign role in sending the Son.
The Lord’s ultimate sovereignty is displayed through Christ’s incarnation, and Spurgeon helps us shift our focus to again gaze at the divine author of all things: the “great I AM.” Why is it important for us to behold God’s role here? Because it is the great proof of the Father’s love. It was the Father’s plan to... Continue Reading
The Source of Permanent Joy
Joy in receiving God our Saviour Jesus Christ.
This is reason for joy: the LORD God has entered the world to save sinners from their rebellion and condemnation; to reconcile them to God; to bless them with the light and smile of his countenance. Mary’s blessing and joy rests ultimately not on her bearing her God and Saviour; but on her believing and receiving... Continue Reading
What Is the Spiritual Fruit of Meekness?
Meekness is the internal submission and happy desire to obey.
Meekness is not concerned with its own reputation or its rights, but it is more concerned about the other person. So also, meekness understands that forgiveness is preferable to the punishments of the law. Meekness controls its anger from any violence and vengeance. This is the gentleness of meekness. Indeed, another usage for this word for... Continue Reading
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