Calvin’s Fourth Rule of Prayer
Calvin exhorts us to pray in humility, yet with the resolute expectation that our prayers will be answered.
“For the saints the occasion that best stimulates them to call upon God is when, distressed by their own need, they are troubled by the greatest unrest, and are almost driven out of their senses, until faith opportunely comes to their relief. For among such tribulations God’s goodness so shines upon them that even when... Continue Reading
The Greatness and Tragedy of Winston Churchill
What is it about “cultural Christianity” that is appealing to people of great achievement?
In many ways, Winston Churchill saved his nation. But his nation will outlive none of us. Ten thousand millennia after the United Kingdom and every other part of this planet have disappeared, Churchill’s eternity will only have begun. If he did not turn to Christ as his Savior, “the greatest Briton of all time” will... Continue Reading
Sin Makes You Stupid
There is no rational calculation that can explain why men would throw away a lifetime of ministry faithfulness for a few moments of fleeting pleasure.
Big sins almost always begin as little compromises: lingering looks, raunchy entertainment, lurid rabbit trails on social media, YouTube videos that get seedier and seedier. When we justify “little” sins, we invite bigger sins to track us down—and over time, with the help of Satan and the algorithm, they will. Like every pastor who... Continue Reading
How to Normalize an Erroneous Innovation in Doctrine or Ecclesiastical Practice: A Guide for Heretics and Less Egregious Reformers-Errant in Presbyterian Churches
Lessons that might be drawn for how best to achieve the desired result based on the PCA’s recent experience and that of other denominations on similar questions like women’s ordination.
An apparent victory in the short run may conceal a defeat in the long run, especially if it failed to uproot the poisonous roots that the ‘losing side’ planted. Already I am told that presbyteries are arguing that the recent BCO additions which many of us thought were meant to prohibit men who are tempted... Continue Reading
Prayerless Theologians
Meaningful prayer flows from a heart that loves the Lord.
Knowing God is more than knowing things about him. Though proper doctrine is necessary in knowing God, it also involves a reliance upon him for all things and ascribes to him the worth he is due. Prayer is one of the most significant indicators that this is the state of our hearts. Worshipful theology is... Continue Reading
The City of Man: Without God and Without Hope
Rejoice in the mercy of God toward us, undeserving sinners who also at one time were members of this doomed city of man.
Every unbeliever is a member of this spiritual kingdom of the city of man. Unbelievers do not experience the peace that comes from knowing their sins are forgiven. They do not know the love of a merciful and yet just God. They do not know the joy of a permanent and lasting eternal blessedness in... Continue Reading
Charles Hodge, David Platt, and the Evangelicals’ (Dis?)Ordered Loves
God is not burning with anger at Christians living their day to day lives.
Evangelicals’ lack of natural theology leads them to obliterate the Christian necessity, priority, and responsibility to prioritize family and neighbor. David Platt’s Radical is a book that suffers from Evangelicalism’s fundamentalist intellectual reductionism. Americans living naturally ordered lives were told they had missed something essential about the Gospel. In the third volume of Charles... Continue Reading
Jesus the Temple
The Holy of Holies, a place of death, has become the fount of life.
As we pull back the veil or open those doors, to our amazement, we see the Word made bloody flesh on that tree with two brigands on either side of him. This horror is also his glory. The glory hidden behind the veil all those years is revealed: Yahweh is the sacrifice for his people.... Continue Reading
Bombshell New Canadian Studies on Transgender Treatments Prove Trans Activists Are Lying
The research debunked the perpetually asserted claim that these drugs are necessary to prevent depression and suicidal ideation.
After screening 6,736 titles and abstracts involving puberty blockers, only 10 studies were included in their review. While children who received puberty blockers compared to those who don’t score higher on “global function” — quality of life, and general physical and psychological wellbeing — the evidence was of “very low certainty.” Very low, meaning researchers... Continue Reading
Three Lies That Separate Spouses
Wise is the couple who errs on the side of forgiving rather than risking the rapid spiritual decay of being irreconcilable.
Forgiving doesn’t magically evaporate what is owed. If I loan you ten dollars and you refuse to pay, the money doesn’t mysteriously appear back in my wallet when I forgive you. Think about it. For Christ to forgive us, he had to absorb the emotional pain — the shame and humiliation of bearing our sins.... Continue Reading
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