Gospel-Driven Humility
Paul’s gospel-centered encouragement for humility, found in Philippians 2:1-11, serves as a model for all Christians, but especially for leaders and pastors
“Spiritual pride is a destructive force within the church. This force is most devastating when it finds its way into the heart and actions of the spiritual leaders in a church. The solution, of course, is humility.” “If the Lord were to honor me any more, he would make me the janitor.” With those... Continue Reading
What is the Nature of Pastoral Authority? – A Presbyterian Perspective
The pastor’s authority in Presbyterian polity is an authority shared with all the elders and exercised jointly through the Session and the other courts of the church.
This means the pastor’s authority may look big or small depending on your church experience. Pastoral authority in Presbyterianism can look big because almost every formal decision resides with the Session (rather than the whole congregation). Apart from calling a pastor and voting on church officers, most congregational votes in Presbyterianism are only advisory. So,... Continue Reading
3 Quick Questions Before Quitting Your Church
In other words, love grows cold where there is no love—no expression of love through prayer, through deeds, through fellowship.
Under many circumstances we have freedom before God to move from one church to another. In some cases this is a necessary course of action while in others it is a sinful course of action. Most of the time, though it is discretionary, depending on the particulars, the circumstances, the heart. Before you make such... Continue Reading
Oh No! Mega Church Just Moved Into The Hood!
Dealing with that mega-church that moves into your area, buys an old warehouse, and plants a new site with an instant congregation.
Is Christ preached? Are people being saved? Then rejoice, though through gritted teeth. You cannot stop free enterprise in religion, and you will only ruin your own reputation if you are a cynical despiser and a gossip. Pay attention to your own vineyard, let God sort things out as to motives, he can do that... Continue Reading
What Are 10 Things That Might Help a Pastor and His Wife Stay Married and In Ministry?
The combined stress of marriage in ministry is a unique situation that demands an intentionality to keep a marriage or ministry from imploding.
I chose the words, “might help” carefully for these are not at all 10 rules that will keep your marriage and ministry from imploding. But, these 10 things might create some needed conversation with you and your spouse to keep your marriage and ministry pressing on for a bit longer. Marriage is hard enough,... Continue Reading
Can An Atheist Lead A Protestant Church? A Battle Over Religion In Canada
The Rev. Gretta Vosper is a minister with a loyal following at her United Church of Canada congregation in suburban Toronto. She is also an outspoken atheist.
Vosper said that the United Church has a tradition of “pushing the envelope” and pulling down barriers — in accepting the ordination of women, embracing the LGBT community and performing same-sex marriage. She said her views about religion have evolved. After initially rejecting the idea of a supernatural god and the idea of god as... Continue Reading
Old Donkeys Needed!
We are thin on the ground when it comes to the older generation
“I’ve heard a lot of stories in the past year of Christians in Edinburgh nearing retirement, and selling up their homes and moving to some of the nicest areas of the city. That’s cool, because these areas need the gospel too. But what I’m asking is that some older, experienced Christians would catch the vision... Continue Reading
The Abuse of Authority in Prosperity Gospel Churches
I’ve found leaders in prosperity gospel churches uncover their desire for worship when they employ a savior’s mentality toward their people
“In my assessment, there are three convictions in the hearts of abusive leaders that, in their minds, justify their abusive actions. These convictions are an over-realized eschatology, an improper interpretation and application of Scripture, and a prideful heart that desires self-worship.” Throughout the duration of my service in the pastorate, I’ve regularly encountered believers... Continue Reading
The Fire and Brimstone Preacher Who Succeeded
Hell is one of the hardest truths to not only believe in the first place, but to communicate to others around us.
Do you think about hell? Do you warn people about it? When you do, can they tell you don’t want them to go there. Of course the tone in our voice won’t make someone more likely to become a Christian, but it will make them more likely to listen to us, and it will please... Continue Reading
Americans: Heaven and Jesus, Sure. Hell and Sin, Not So Much
It’s bad news for theology lovers: Americans love God, Heaven, and Jesus, but are inconsistent when it comes to doctrine, a new study shows.
As the product of Evangelical youth groups and an “inter-denominational” Christian campus ministry where the concept of sin went unspoken, I’m not shocked most Americans believe humans are naturally good and deny the idea of eternal judgment. If these messages are being churned out (or insinuated by silence) by leaders within the Church, how can... Continue Reading
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