First Presbyterian Church Seeks Healing, Redemption For Sins Committed During Civil Rights Era
People referred to it as “that church that wouldn’t let black people in”
“What we did was we explained to them, ‘Well, you’re right. You’re not asking forgiveness for something you didn’t do. You’re asking God to take away any discipline for something your forefathers did. You’re basically asking God to remove the spiritual inheritance of the former church and instead restore to us the spiritual inheritance that... Continue Reading
Where Evangelicals Came From
There is no mystery involved. They were always here. We were just not looking at them.
“Evangelicals” is an elastic term, and FitzGerald intermittently shrinks or stretches it. But she does direct us to the right starting point, to the eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Great Awakenings, major religious events in our early history when the word “evangelicalism” came into wide American use. Evangelical religion is revival religion, that of emotional contagion. ... Continue Reading
Ethnic Inclusion, Gender Roles and the Diaconate
One way of honoring the disenfranchised women in our churches is by praying and acting towards a revival of the role of Diaconate.
In moving forward, practical and intentional actions should be considered. The PCA Book of Church Order encourages the elders of our churches to “select and appoint godly men and women” to assist the Deacons in “caring for the sick, the widows, the orphans, the prisoners, and others who may be in any distress or need” (BCO... Continue Reading
Scoot Over, That’s My Seat
My spot in church is more than just a thoughtless habit.
This is the spot where, week after week, my enthusiastic soprano notes join the booming bass of the church elder two rows ahead to create a joyful noise. This is the place where my heart adds its “Amen” to the united prayers of the whole congregation. This is the seat where the Word of God... Continue Reading
Praying for Families in Your Local Church. Some Helps.
What could be a helpful guide to aid you in praying for your local church?
“Plead earnestly that every home would be, as it were, a little church, earnestly and consistently about the worship of God in the home, led by the father, with the families gathered together to read the Word, sing God’s praises, and pray together — all for God’s glory.” The Lord calls all believers to... Continue Reading
The Necessity of Preaching
Preaching is necessary because people need to hear Christ in order to believe in Him for salvation
“Preaching comes through Christ’s sent messengers. This implies that preachers are necessary for preaching and that God must equip and send them to preach on Christ’s behalf. This point builds upon the previous post, which defined preaching as a public authoritative proclamation of the gospel through Christ’s ordained ambassadors.” Salvation is an expansive term.... Continue Reading
Ministers Are Human Too
It is one of the tragic curiosities of church life that the very men who are charged with the care of God’s people are so often treated in ways that show scant regard for their calling
“Ministers are slandered, vilified, addressed in anger – not by those who are the enemies of Christ and his gospel, but by professing Christians. And when the watching world catches glimpses of such behavior within the family of God, they rightly wonder what kind of ‘family’ it really is.” I recently found myself in... Continue Reading
C of E Archbishops Call on Christians to Repent for Reformation Split
After 500 years of schism, will the rift of the Reformation finally be healed?
“Five hundred years after the Reformation, the religious revolution that swept across Europe, the leaders of the Church of England – itself created in the decades of upheaval – have called on Christians to repent for the divisions, persecution and death.” It unleashed an orgy of death and destruction across Europe. In England alone,... Continue Reading
Pastor, You Need Other Pastors
What can we do to help protect ourselves, our families, and the people in our churches from the burden of discouragement, the loneliness of isolation, and the difficult side effects of a sacrificial ministry?
For the last several years, I have been a member of a group of seven other men—all PCA pastors—who get together monthly (via to talk about life and ministry, to share our struggles and concerns, to encourage one another, and to pray for one another. And it’s made all the difference in the world. ... Continue Reading
The Junk in the Attic
The American church has inherited quite a bit from the people who have gone before us.
There are treasures that we should keep and be thankful for, but there is junk in our “attic” too. We have not always done as we ought nor have we always treated our brothers, sisters, and neighbors with the dignity and respect due to fellow image-bearers. It will be very hard to move on until... Continue Reading
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