Willow Creek Elders and Pastor Heather Larson Resign over Bill Hybels
Church leaders apologize to Nancy Ortberg, Nancy Beach, Vonda Dyer, and other women with accusations: “We have no reason not to believe you.”
On the eve of the 2018 GLS, they admitted in a special congregational meeting that church leaders had failed to appropriately handle recent allegations of sexual misconduct against their founding pastor. Lead pastor Heather Larson announced that she was resigning immediately. The church’s elder board announced that its member would also step down in an... Continue Reading
Are All Called?
How a man answers theses questions can help him better discern whether or not he ought to attend seminary in pursuit of Gospel ministry or whether he ought to move in a different direction.
You ought to be able to say yes to every one of these questions. A “no” to any of them is a serious warning sign that, at the very least, now is most likely not the time to attend seminary and pursue ministry. If you’re already in ministry, these questions may help you conclude that... Continue Reading
Bad Listeners
Why are pastors such horrible listeners?
Have you ever had a conversation with someone and they weren’t listening to anything you were saying? You can see the exact moment they shut down. They have already figured out what they were going to say, and anything else you might say is not relevant. I think it is a problem for pastors. We... Continue Reading
The Visible Body of Christ
Such is the importance of the visible church for Calvin that we cannot be saved apart from it.
I am conscious that Calvin’s comments may not be fully appreciated by all of my readers. We typically have a much lower view of the church in the twenty-first century than John Calvin did in the sixteenth. We tend to see the church as optional, salvation as private, and worship as personal and individualistic. ... Continue Reading
Prosperity Gospel Taught to 4 in 10 Evangelical Churchgoers
Survey finds most Protestants believe God wants them to prosper financially. But views diverge on whether they must tithe to receive it.
Researchers found more than a few churchgoers believe giving to God leads to financial rewards, said Scott McConnell, executive director of LifeWay Research. “A significant group of churches seem to teach that donations trigger a financial response from God,” said McConnell. For some Americans, dropping a check into the offering plate at church is... Continue Reading
North Florida Presbytery (PCA) Same-Sex Attraction Study Committee Report
In January of 2018, the North Florida Presbytery voted unanimously to receive the Same-Sex Attraction Study Committee Report.
Should we encourage a faithful believer—who experiences persistent same-sex attraction, but chooses to honor God through a celibate lifestyle—to identify as a ‘Gay Christian’? No. Believers are not identified by their sins but by their Savior. Jesus is the Christian’s new identity. At the 2016 October meeting of the North Florida Presbytery, the moderator appointed... Continue Reading
Hybels Heir Quits Willow as New Accusations Arise Before Global Leadership Summit
Teaching pastor Steve Carter resigns after New York Times article; Global Leadership Summit had already lost 111 host sites.
Lead pastor Heather Larson also previously issued an apology of her own. Willow Creek’s elders also admitted that Hybels was guilty of wrongdoing. “We are grieved that we let Bill’s statement stand for as long as we did that the women were lying and colluding,” the elders said. “We now believe Bill entered into areas of... Continue Reading
Liturgies: their Value and their Limitations
The issue is not about the presence of liturgy, but rather, its faithfulness to the Scriptural paradigms for worship and its effectiveness in genuinely engaging the worshippers in attendance.
Many expressions of contemporary liturgy are found wanting. They are often shallow in content, repetitive in nature and more inclined to draw attention to the person or persons leading worship than to God as it true object. Regardless of its pursuit of spontaneity and authenticity, too often it loses depth and vitality because it has... Continue Reading
A Few Humble Suggestions for Reformed Worship Services
We may begin to lose sight of the beauty of Christian worship through its sheer weekly repetition.
When we worship week after week and follow roughly the same order of service, some things that are deeply meaningful can become merely routine. For that reason there can be benefit in taking the time to explain them and thank God for them. As Christians, we set aside the first day of each week... Continue Reading
Revoice: Sliding into Heresy [Updated]
According to Scripture, the binary is the key to the cosmos and the only way to live successfully in God’s created world. We must observe the distinctions God created.
The definition of non-sexual gayness emerging at Revoice is theologically problematic since (with a great deal of theological ignorance) it creates a third category of human sexuality, denying the biblical, ontological principle of distinctions (what I call Twoism). God is separate from his creation and has placed distinctions in his creation, one of which is the male/female... Continue Reading
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