Cuties and Cognitive Dissonance
Both political tribes tend to save their fiercest wrath for those inside the tribe who don’t join every charge against the Enemy.
I could be misreading something, but it sure seems to me that a majority of defenses of Netflix’s indefensible Cuties are coming in from the same groups of folks who cheer the age of the “trigger warning” on university campuses. I’m not sure how one arrives intellectually at the conclusion that Rudyard Kipling and Huck... Continue Reading
Caretakers of the Vine
How does God accomplish taking away and pruning?
The elders of the church have their work cut out for them. Just as a garden needs constant attention lest it become overrun with weeds, so the church needs constant attention to uproot weeds of error and contaminants of immorality. My Father is the vinedresser. (John 15:1, NKJV) Every year I brace myself for... Continue Reading
Looking to What is Unseen
We must fix our eyes on what we can’t see.
Can we rejoice in what is unseen, knowing that the temporal stuff of this life pales in comparison to God’s glory? We’re waiting and hoping for something far better than understanding or what we can behold with our physical eyes. We’re being transformed from one glory to another. During one of our last summer... Continue Reading
The Demise of the Deified Self
The I-can-do-this self-talk and building ourselves up from the inside has exhausted us. There is no rest for the one who depends on self for everything.
Let’s face it: we were duped by the culture that raised us. The ideas that we swim around in are wreaking havoc. As we match them up against the biblical truths of the gospel, we see how they ring hollow. Like the alluring but destructive creatures in Greek mythology, self is a Siren. We are... Continue Reading
Francis James Grimké—Through a Pandemic and Social Unrest
Man’s destiny is truly in God’s hands.
While some of us might disagree with Grimké’s assessment of government restrictions, every Christian will concur with his expression of deep gratitude for “the sense of security which a true, living, working faith in the Lord Jesus Christ gives one in the midst of life’s perils.” We are not the first generation who must... Continue Reading
Was the Divinity of Jesus a Late Invention of the Council of Nicea?
There is little doubt that early Christians believed Jesus was God.
There are many ways to approach this question, but for the purposes of this short post, we will simply consider the teachings of the apostle Paul on this question. Why start with Paul? Larry Hurtado explains it best: “Pauline Christianity is the earliest form of the Christian movement to which we have direct access from... Continue Reading
Choice for No Sanctity
When I observe such opposition to what we are doing, it tells me the devil is stirred and hates what we do.
So why share any of them with you? Well, what really hit our staff who had to deal with these was how evil many in these younger generations are. We all know the X, Y (millennials), and Z generations are much more secularized than the older generations like Boomers, Silent, and Greatest. Researcher George Barna... Continue Reading
A Spiritual Start-up: the Disciples as Witnesses
And it all started with one guy inviting a few friends who invited a few friends. This is exactly how the kingdom of God was started up…
So, get out there and connect people with Christ. Expand your network of converts. Talk about Jesus. Share the good news. Invite people to church. Do whatever you can to win souls for Christ. Jesus came to die for you, will you be a true follower? Will you follow him even if it cost you... Continue Reading
No Hand But His Ever Holds the Shears
Pain may be better for us than pleasure. Loss may enrich us more than gain. Sorrow may equip us more fully than joy.
Vines must be pruned if they are to bear fruit; Christians must experience trials if we are to grow in grace. Trials will come, and we must do more than passively endure them. We must submit to them and even embrace them as the will of the Father. We must determine we will emerge from... Continue Reading
Does Evangelicalism Have a Robust Centre?
We have 2,000 years of the Spirit’s work growing the church through its meditation on the truth that we can retrieve.
Our robust centre is not in prophecy conferences of the earth 20th century nor the theology of the 80s and 90s. It is in Paul, Ireneaus, Athanasius, Augustine, Maximos, Anselm, Aquinas, Calvin, Luther, and Turretin (among others!). The Spirit was not at rest; Christ built his church by the Spirit just as he promised in... Continue Reading
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