Implications of a Commandment
Not only Christians but all people who wish to avoid the charge of murder must commit themselves to keeping the Sixth Commandment and all its implications.
God requires attitudes characterized by “charitable thoughts, love, compassion, meekness, gentleness, kindness; peaceable, mild, and courteous speeches and behavior: forbearance, readiness to be reconciled, patient bearing and forgiving of injuries, and requiting good for evil.” Among the sins that the commandment forbids are “sinful anger, hatred, envy, desire of revenge . . . provoking words;... Continue Reading
Laying Down Your Life
Loving one another is part of our laying our lives down for our Lord.
What did Jesus do for us? He laid His life down for us. Therefore, we are to lay our lives down for each other for the motivation of that love. If we obey Him then Jesus says that we are His friends. Who then obeys Him and who does not? A servant obeys his or... Continue Reading
Managing Expectations
Unbiblical expectations can easily creep into the ministry.
The burden of the ministry is heavy enough without adding the yoke of unbiblical expectations. To do so will simply lead to heartache for pastors and congregations alike. It’s Jesus who defines the terms of the ministry and sets the expectations. Rumor has it William Shakespeare once said: “Expectation is the root of all... Continue Reading
The Simple Call of the Gospel, Part 1: The Expectation
The world expects that the way to Christ and salvation must be with great show and flash or great deeds and works.
What is your expectation for healing and salvation from your sin and misery? Do you expect a great show like the world and many churches give and Naaman expected for his leprosy? Then Naaman went with his horses and chariot, and he stood at the door of Elisha’s house. And Elisha sent a messenger to... Continue Reading
Heaven’s Splendor vs. The World’s Allure, Pt. 3 (Rev 5:1-4)
Turning sorrow into joy and weeping into worship.
No creature, even among those in heaven, is empowered to fulfill God’s purposes in salvation or judgment. There is no creature, not even one from heaven, who is qualified to secure the future of Christ’s church. We know the plot of Rev 1–4 pretty well. Our King Jesus dictated seven messages to prepare His... Continue Reading
Magistrates Must Be Just
The true fear of God lays restraints upon men’s lusts.
Government is “not a matter of mere human prudence, but of moral necessity. It does not lie with men to determine at pleasure, whether it shall or shall not take place; but, considering their present weak, exposed and dependent condition, it is unalterably right and just there should be rule and superiority in some, and... Continue Reading
No, Science Isn’t a “Social Construct”
Universality in science completely undercuts the possibility for political contrivance.
Scientific knowledge, by definition, is not easily corrupted by politics—when it is genuinely scientific. The Woke believe that objectivity is neither possible nor desirable, so they reject this entire view, usually by arguing that science is a “social construct,” by which they mean power-politics by specific means. When dealing with the Woke—that is, devotees... Continue Reading
The Importance of the Covenant of Works
Obedience would bring great blessing, but disobedience would bring death for Adam and his offspring.
The covenant of works is important because it provides us with a window into the church’s understanding of God’s initial interaction with humanity. As such, we have much to learn from the church’s collective wisdom and insight. Why is the history of the covenant of works an important topic of study? To answer this... Continue Reading
No One Believes in Social Injustice
We must carefully distinguish true justice from false justice.
Everyone wants justice. Not only that, but everyone wants justice to extend to the community, to the social sphere. In that way, everyone wants not only justice, but social justice. The problem is that different people mean very different things by “justice” and therefore by “social justice.” I have been spending a fair bit... Continue Reading
Rightly Regarding Our Sin
Without the bad news about sin, Satan, and spiritual death, the good news is superfluous at best.
We get depressed on account of the fact that we have underestimated the power and reality of sin, and we have thus underestimated the power and reality of the gospel. The darkness of spiritual depression will not lift until we have sought forgiveness before the very face of God, coram Deo. I have a... Continue Reading
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