The Finish Comes Fast
Counsel for Running the Race
Our finish lines often come suddenly, with little or no warning. There may be no home stretch — only Home, as quick as a wink. And so, given the here-today-gone-tomorrow reality of our vapor-like lives, the best way to finish life well is to finish each day well. We need to run with the heart... Continue Reading
Calvin Contra the Making of Images
...of the the Godhead for any purpose, including the "pedagogical"
A true image of God is not to be found in all the world; and hence that His glory is defiled, and His truth corrupted by the lie, whenever He is set before our eyes in a visible form. Now we must remark, that there are two parts in the Commandment — the first forbids... Continue Reading
The Scriptures in Handel’s “Messiah”: An Overview
Reflect on the wonders of Messiah’s person and work through Handel’s masterwork.
During this Advent season we are reminded that in glory the Lord Jesus—our Messiah—does not stand alone; He is surrounded by a multitude whom no one can number, a multitude that sing the endless Hallelujahs before his throne. As we long to join that worship and look eagerly for His coming, Christians can find great... Continue Reading
It’s Not Fair! Job and the Question of Justice
God shows us that He cares deeply for justice.
We should be slow to accuse God of being unjust or not caring for justice because our life does not look the way we want it to at the moment. God does care, more than we ever could, about justice. We see that not only in the natural world, of course, but in what God has... Continue Reading
Hope in a Hopeless World
We need our eyes opened to a hope that is real, unshakable, and eternal.
If we’re honest, our hearts are prone to wander. We return to false hopes because they seem tangible and immediate. We trust in money, achievements, or relationships to fill the void. That’s why God, in His mercy, sent His Son—not just to show us the way, but to be our hope. It is no... Continue Reading
Ephesians 3: The Church Doesn’t Exist for You
What does the Bible teach is the purpose of the church?
Because the church doesn’t exist for you, it’s somewhat easier to find the right one. God should be central in the life of any local church. His greater glory should be its mission. So too should be the aim of every believer. We all desire a church that would make us feel comfortable. A... Continue Reading
When God Wrestles
Why God wrestled Jacob instead of nurturing him.
God actively wrestles with us. He’ll hold us at arms-length (still graciously hanging onto us) and letting us swing ourselves dry. And then in those moments, when we’re but a heap of tears and helplessness, He makes himself “grabbable.” He makes Himself able to be held onto and able to hear us cry out for... Continue Reading
You’re Exactly as Holy as You Want to Be
We sin only when our desire to sin is stronger than our desire to not sin.
You and I are exactly as holy as we want to be. We are exactly as holy as we’ve determined we will be through every opportunity to act righteously or sinfully, to move forward or fall back, to be more like Christ or to forsake him altogether. Every Christian is a work in progress.... Continue Reading
God Comes to Us in the Dirt
This Christmas remember that God became flesh, that he became a baby, so that you might be reborn.
Jesus Christ came lowly to save you from your sin and filthiness. He became dirty and low on this earth so that you might be clean and elevated. He took on your flesh and he took on the punishment for your sin, so that you might be a child of God. God became man, so... Continue Reading
He Came to a World of Folly
O Wisdom from on High
During Advent, then, we remember with great joy that Jesus came to a world of folly to show us how to live with wisdom from God. When we follow his paths—when we listen to his teaching—we gradually become more and more like him, the true Wise One from on high. O come, O Wisdom... Continue Reading