Jesus Became a Curse for Us
He who is the incarnation of the glory of God became the very incarnation of the divine curse.
When on the cross, not only was the Father’s justice satisfied by the atoning work of the Son, but in bearing our sins the Lamb of God removed our sins from us as far as the east is from the west. He did it by being cursed. “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the... Continue Reading
What Does God Know?
It will be my view that these three texts – and others like them – can all fit in with the traditional understanding of God and his knowledge.
In the 1970s and 80s especially a new challenge to the traditional understanding arose in the form of free-will theism, or open theism. These folks argue that God does not know the future exhaustively, that he may have mistaken knowledge, and that he in fact grows in knowledge. I penned an introductory piece on this... Continue Reading
What is Spiritual Warfare
Most spiritual warfare is not casting out demons. Most spiritual warfare is ordinary things.
Spiritual warfare looks like forgiving your enemies, like repenting of your sin, like loving your spouse and your friends. It looks like preaching the gospel and taking the sacraments. It looks like loving your neighbours. It looks like the fruit of the spirit. It looks like prayer. We contest not with flesh and blood... Continue Reading
Institutionalised Envy: How the Tenth Commandment Can Make or Break a Country
Truly the tenth commandment brings with it colossal consequences for the good or ill of society.
Every form of government is fallen, but not in the same way or to the same extent. Constitutional democracy and a free market are rooted in many biblical principles, when rightly applied. Socialism (and its end-goal, communism) is rooted in envy, greed, and covetousness. It has bred all kinds of theft and trampling over private... Continue Reading
What Must the Label “Evangelical” Do to Be Saved?
In a world of “raunchy Christians” and vulgar evangelicals, is “evangelical” a label worth saving?
Quite possibly, it is losing its usefulness as a word to describe people who cherish the Bible, prioritize on the gospel, embrace the new birth, and work for spiritual renewal and social good—as evangelicals historically have done. If so, this I know: the evangel itself—the joyful announcement about Jesus—will never outlive its usefulness. “What’s in a name?” asked... Continue Reading
The Dead Sea Scrolls, the Book of Esther, and the Argument from Silence
Why would the discovery of Esther among the Dead Sea Scrolls be so significant?
Ever since the discovery of the scrolls, scholars have been eager to learn which Old Testament books were represented in the manuscripts discovered there. And it turns out that we have a manuscript from every single book from our Old Testament except one. The book of Esther. As a result, the absence of Esther has led... Continue Reading
Sabbaths & Feasts | Exodus 23:10-19
The Sabbath day and Sabbath were instituted as rhythmic reminders for Israel remember and pay attention to Yahweh their God. But God also instituted three feasts as well.
These feasts were acts of celebration, and they were to be received by the Israelites with joy, for they were being summoned to “appear before the Lord GOD.” They were being called into the presence of the King of kings to eat feast with Him and eat at His table. How could they not rejoice... Continue Reading
King of the Jews
During Herod’s unstable reign, there was another King of the Jews who would eternally supplant him; a King of peace for the war weary world.
Yes, Herod was the King of the Jews who killed children to hold onto his power, but Jesus, He is the Christ, the King of the Jews who surrendered his power, became a child and was killed for his children. When our suffering and the suffering of this world seems too much we have to ask... Continue Reading
God Graciously Condescends
But what is it that he reveals about himself?
According to Erwin Lutzer, it is his character, his nature, and his will. I’ve heard it said that character is who you are when no one is looking. God reveals himself as someone who existed long before there was anyone looking, and then as now, his character was marked by love. God has graciously chosen to... Continue Reading
Warfield on Jesus’s Anger at the Death of Lazarus
Not in cold unconcern, but in flaming wrath against the foe, Jesus smites in our behalf.
The spectacle of the distress of Mary and her companions enraged Jesus because it brought poignantly home to his consciousness the evil of death, its unnaturalness, its “violent tyranny” as Calvin (on verse 38) phrases it. In Mary’s grief, he “contemplates” — still to adopt Calvin’s words (on verse 33), — “the general misery of... Continue Reading
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