The Light Shines in the Darkness and Is Not Apprehended (Part Two)
John’s Gospel tells us that God’s redemptive purpose in his Son was assured even before he fully entered his passion.
By hiding, Jesus, who is the Light, publicly dramatizes the truths John succinctly captures in the prologue: “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not apprehend it” and “He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him” (John 1:5, 11). Herein is his prophetic pronouncement of impending judgment.... Continue Reading
What Did Jesus Teach about Total Depravity?
The effects of sin are so prevalent that John the Baptist, Jesus, and his disciples preached a universal call for repentance in light of universal judgment.
It is clear that even God’s covenant people are sinners. For example, in Jesus’s answer to the Canaanite woman’s plea (“Have mercy . . . my daughter is severely oppressed by a demon”; Matt. 15:22) and the disciples’ strong suggestion (“Send her away . . .”; Matt. 15:23), he speaks of being “sent . . . to the... Continue Reading
What Does It Mean to Bear Fruit?
Part of the result of our faith is that we will now accomplish the will of God by fulfilling the works He prepared for us before the beginning of time.
There is an interesting mention of fruit in Romans 1. Verse 13 says, “I do not want you to be unaware, brethren, that often I have planned to come to you (and have been prevented so far) so that I may obtain some fruit among you also, even as among the rest of the Gentiles.”... Continue Reading
Jesus And The Woman Caught In Adultery
The Lord acknowledged both justice and the unworthiness of anyone within the mob that day to carry out God’s law as God required.
Given the circumstances of no witness-accuser who possessed a desire for righteous judgment – the only one who could have put the woman to death and satisfied the intention of the law both in letter and spirit would have been God himself. Accordingly, one without sin may have thrown the first stone! By handling the difficult... Continue Reading
Do Egalitarians Need Safe Spaces?
The big question is whether egalitarianism is true in the first place.
Theology drives practice and culture, yet Viesca recommends downplaying theology in favor of pragmatic transformation. Again, she does not make a substantive case for the egalitarian position but rather assumes it to be true, while warning leaders against focusing too much on persuasion through Scripture. Rather, she argues that church leaders should focus their efforts... Continue Reading
Our Merciful High Priest
Jesus Christ, as the High Priest of the Church, was reliable before God and can be relied upon.
Never for a moment did his unspotted, perfect, obedience, hesitate or halt: from the heart, for the entirety of His life, His will and mind were aligned and allied sinlessly to God. Both tablets of the LORD, were harmoniously and persistently observed, even when facing the most extreme and difficult circumstances – from birth to... Continue Reading
3 Things You Should Know about Amos
Amos teaches us that covenantal privilege cannot be separated from the demands of obedience to God’s commands.
The role of the prophet was to mediate between God and His covenant people by declaring God’s word and encouraging obedience to His requirements. They were guardians of the kingdom, seeking to hold kings and other leaders accountable to God for their actions. They can be regarded as enforcement mediators of the covenant, dedicated to... Continue Reading
Why Daily Bread Is Better
God wants us to trust his loving care, and he wants us to trust him daily.
Moment by moment, God answers. This is his daily bread. God shows us the next step, the next right thing to do. He gives us what we need for each conversation, for each moment of suffering, for each anxious thought, for each difficulty that feels overwhelming and beyond what we can bear. I know God... Continue Reading
The Rock
He is mighty, unchanging, immoveable, and faithful.
He is the One who says, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Heb 13:5). He is the One who says, “”For I the LORD do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed” (Mal 3:6). He is the One who, “does according to his will among the host of heaven... Continue Reading
Three Ways God Is Working Through Your Suffering
God is with us in our suffering.
When suffering comes, God doesn’t leave us to cope with it in our own strength. He is with us in our suffering just as he was with Peter, James, and John. You can be sure God is with you through all your ups and downs, good days and bad. There is no struggle that will... Continue Reading
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